SWG Beyond

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Search results

  1. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    - Provide option for having the login screen remember your username/password
  2. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    where/how do you do names changes at this time?
  3. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    - Add a "Follow" option to the radial menu when using the radial option on another player
  4. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    - Double-clicking a location while having the starship terminal or ITV window sends you to that location without having to manually click travel. For the ticket terminal it purchases the ticket without having to manually click purchase. Also, if you only have one shuttle ticket in your inventory...
  5. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    - Provide an automated in-game mail to new characters (much like how the pilot mails have always been done) with an overview and locations of all of Beyond's unique features as well as waypoints for ITV hubs. Overall this will give more ease of access to new players.
  6. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    - Implement a name change feature, costs in the millions and the losing name is remained reserved for 30 days to prevent abuse. Another "underworld" transaction, use same concept as above. This prevents having to delete a character (for those of us that have 7 capped toons) in the event you just...
  7. ComBD

    QoL Changes

    Breaking down into multiple posts as suggested: - Implement a race change feature, utilizing the same system as profession changes with a rising fee and monthly decay. In practice this should be a "private" or "underworld" transaction, so my suggestion is to only place the NPC in a city or...