Hey all! I played the game back in live from launch and through NGE and then dabbled with the emus back in 2017. I have literally forgotten about everything...
Is there a patient sould who can break down how NGE traders work (preferably like I'm 5 )? Do you pick a certain spec at a certain point? Also is there enough demand out there that its worth playing a trader beyond just a desire to craft?
I really enjoy the craft game but for instance an architect would be a bit pointless if no one needs buildings ever for instance.
Any advice or info is appreciated!
Is there a patient sould who can break down how NGE traders work (preferably like I'm 5 )? Do you pick a certain spec at a certain point? Also is there enough demand out there that its worth playing a trader beyond just a desire to craft?
I really enjoy the craft game but for instance an architect would be a bit pointless if no one needs buildings ever for instance.
Any advice or info is appreciated!