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Bane of the Blackscales


New member

The Avatar Platform is a lot more dangerous than you remember. Lord Cyssc has personally relocated along with his personal guards in an effort to strengthen security since the last raids on the platform. Here is a breakdown of some of the new faces we were able to obtain intelligence on.


Huntmaster Khrassk is a renowned marksman and slaver from Trandosha. He is normally tasked with hunting down escaped Wookiee slaves across various systems. Something must be obviously wrong for him to be redeployed to the Avatar Platform. We expect Khrassk to be a tough opponent, favoring ranged attacks. One would be quite foolish to attempt to close distance with him.


Doctor Grissek would hold many bounties across various systems if not for her connections with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Her methods of practicing medicine at best can be considered unethical. Expect her to never be alone and be sure to bring a good medic or two. Her abilities should not be underestimated and any party seeking to engage her should be careful of various viruses and harmful effects she could attempt to apply.


Captain Haddoskh oversees all day to day operations on the Avatar Platform. Haddoskh is strong, remaining in command of the platform longer than any previous Captain, all of whom met unfortunate demises. Haddoskh favours heavy weapons, seeking to emulate his father who served with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. This is also reflected in many of the new additions to the Avatar Platform’s military detail. Hadosskh also favours technology and explosives. One would be smart to make sure their armors are up to the challenge and remain mobile when engaging.

This is all the intelligence our agents were able to acquire about the new additions to the Avatar Platform. We know for sure there are other dangerous individuals in command of other sections of the platform, including Lord Cyssc himself. However, their identities and abilities are unknown at this time. It should also be noted that we were not able to get information on the full capabilities of these three dreadful creatures. It would be smart to assume they have a few tricks up their sleeves, especially when pressed with a fight between life or death. We wish you best of luck on assaulting the Avatar Platform and deeply regret that we were not able to provide more assistance.