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Commando Revamp Needed


New member
Hello Beyonders,
i'm posting here in order to discuss some of the things i've nticed during the years that could make Commando great Again.
here some thoughts:
1) Suppressing Fire: this debuff should always stick to the target. the miss rate is high especially vs player when they have things going on like shields and saber Block
2) You'll Regret that: this ability sometimes is not triggered when snare is applied, should always be triggered with Snare and Root
3) Advance diagnostic Armor : 10% DOT resistance, to be hones with the resistance buff from the Ent the resistance is way effective and i find this ability useless.
4) Riddle Armor should have the same effect as the BH armor break which means faste Armor reduction. there is an inbalance between commando and BH.
5) The complete marksman line is silly since live, as far as i know almost nobody uses rifles as main weapon except when launcing grenades, this line should be transformed in something more usefull:--> here some ideas are needed
6) Stand Fast: why maximum of 75% damage reduction and still Strikethroughs are coming in? spies and Jedi have more effective defenses like saber block , saber reflect and avoid damage.--> change to same duration and effectivness
7) Enrage should be 2nd in ranking compared to jedi Guardians Strike, a commando as a tank, should also keep aggro in PVE grps when a jedi is not available.
8) Burst Fire, a second chance to fire also with heavy weapons is a must (still rifles are silly for commando except when switching to fire grenades)
9) on the assault page remove Stamina and add agility
10) increase grenades damage of 5% and for Cryoban and Stun grenades increase the snare of 5%

I'm not intending to make Commando OP but i've noticed that there is an unbalance in the Force and we should restore it.
With Love and admiration to the community your Voodoo'


New member
just a reminder, i do not want to make Commandos OP i just would like to see more balance between Professions and to be hones rifles for a Dotter does not make sense at all
the above posted points are just ideas and would be gratefull to see comments of people playing commando as main Profession which know it deep so feel free and lets make a list of ideas then we can propose them to staff and see what make sense


New member
Hello Beyonders,
i'm posting here in order to discuss some of the things i've nticed during the years that could make Commando great Again.
here some thoughts:
1) Suppressing Fire: this debuff should always stick to the target. the miss rate is high especially vs player when they have things going on like shields and saber Block
2) You'll Regret that: this ability sometimes is not triggered when snare is applied, should always be triggered with Snare and Root
3) Advance diagnostic Armor : 10% DOT resistance, to be hones with the resistance buff from the Ent the resistance is way effective and i find this ability useless.
4) Riddle Armor should have the same effect as the BH armor break which means faste Armor reduction. there is an inbalance between commando and BH.
5) The complete marksman line is silly since live, as far as i know almost nobody uses rifles as main weapon except when launcing grenades, this line should be transformed in something more usefull:--> here some ideas are needed
6) Stand Fast: why maximum of 75% damage reduction and still Strikethroughs are coming in? spies and Jedi have more effective defenses like saber block , saber reflect and avoid damage.--> change to same duration and effectivness
7) Enrage should be 2nd in ranking compared to jedi Guardians Strike, a commando as a tank, should also keep aggro in PVE grps when a jedi is not available.
8) Burst Fire, a second chance to fire also with heavy weapons is a must (still rifles are silly for commando except when switching to fire grenades)
9) on the assault page remove Stamina and add agility
10) increase grenades damage of 5% and for Cryoban and Stun grenades increase the snare of 5%

I'm not intending to make Commando OP but i've noticed that there is an unbalance in the Force and we should restore it.
With Love and admiration to the community your Voodoo'
To be completely honest my live Commando was OP due to several factor's not available on private servers.
1st I had a stockpile of hundreds of Pre Cu leftover Bio -Engineered Shirts with either Terrain Negotiation or DOT Resistence on them giving me a slight edge over anything,
that wasn't a Jedi using Force Run and a clear resistance advantage vs other Mando.
2nd I had hundreds of crates of Pre Cu grenades that I worked into a Riddle Armor/Grenade toss that would mangle mobs of players in the tight rooms of faction depots,
or in 1vs1 PvP.
3rd Every heavy weapon and flammer I owned had Hoft DOT mods crafted into them as well as my weapon attactments and armor chest plate,
so I could place a shocking level of DOTs on player's standing in AOE or single target PvP.
And don't let me start on the Pre Nerf PvP mine exploits I used to use to slaughter BH inside player cities,
I had gotten to the point where I padded my own bounties just to humiliate server BH as a passtime.