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Droid Engineer Revamp/QoL Compendium


New member
Greetings fellow Beyonders,

Today I would like to shed some light on our red-headed stepchild profession : Droid Engineer. So in a neat and orderly fashion ( hopefully ) , a list of the current problems we have and my input on some possible solutions. So as for anyone that decides to follow up, let us have a civil and constructive criticism among us here.

Droid Modules
  • Auto-Repair: Even when combined into a socket cluster, the final rating is the amount healed every 10 secs and eats battery life at a double rate. Even when capped, 75 HP healed every 10 secs isn't even worth the time to use said module.
  • Solution: Allow a higher rating to make it more viable, thus when making a cluster to put in a dedicated healing droid while in a group.
  • Creature Harvest:Fully capped out these things do great, but you have to keep up with the Veghash with your other buffs, which is fine since it helps keep the interconnectivity with other crafters to make the meat/hide/bone harvest parties fun! But the most common suggestion is to allow such droids to help with egg and milk harvesting.
  • Solution: Since the Hand Sample module installed in a droid works as a "buff" applied to your toon when they are hand sampling, the same could be applied to the module to help with egg / milk harvesting amount. Though currently the Complete Resource tool would make such ability almost redundant, nonetheless the module could apply a max of 1/3 buff from capped chef foods ( with nutrition additives ) such Starshine Surprise.
  • Droid Repair: Completely broken , as it repairs "wounds" on droids. Even when crafted , it has no rating and maybe used as expensive decoration.
  • Solution: Since we don't have trap launchers with the droids since pre-NGE, allow a ranged use of the Droid Repair Kits placed inside the droid's inventory.
  • Detonation Modules: To my knowledge, very few players have used these expendable options in combat, mainly PvP or Bounty Hunting, and the exploit was fixed when it came to these droids and player housing. The cheapest route is factory runs of mouse droids with the modules.
  • Solution: Use of these modules enables a Mark leveled ability ( i.e. medic buffs ) - To allow the the droid to use a ranged aoe , in which the Detonation Power of the module grants access to the respective level of the granted ability. A good example is the Potency of the special ability modules currently, to which a potency of 100 allows the use of the level 3 ability currently only available to the trader profession.