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PvP Flashpoint Location Ideas


Staff member
Good evening Beyonders!

As mentioned in our most recent development roadmap, we have wrapped up our work on the 5th Anniversary Celebration and begun work on PvP Flashpoints. We are in the very early stages of development and would like to get some community input on in-game locations that we can utilize. Flashpoint areas will temporarily turn into a PvP zone and return to normal after the event.

Please let us know what in-game areas you think would make a good PvP Flashpoint area. Thanks in advance for your feedback.


New member
More curious as to how your going to make this PvP rewarding and get people to participate as people don't want to do battlefields or the forward base pvp. As for possible locations you could use the various PoI's with the least bad LoS issues or just simply repurpose the forward bases.


New member
Rebel Base On Dantooine or one of the Imperial Outposts on Dantooine or Talus. One team on the defenidng side and one on the offensive. Or add a cycle on the invaison schedule making the new cycle a PvP only.
In case you want to develp something new you can use some POI or add a new city specialization that at a specific time will turn in a PVP zone for a battle.


Well-known member
POI List Options

  • Anchorhead Tat
  • Ewok Villages on Endor.
  • Wayfar/Jabbas Palace Tat
  • Mos Taike Tat
  • Lars Homestead Tat
  • Gungan Palace on Naboo
  • Lake Retreat Naboo
  • Kimogila Town Lok
  • Imp outpost Lok
  • Dee'ja Peak Naboo
  • Imperial vs Rebel battle Naboo
  • Hyperdrive Research Facility Rori
  • Rebel Military Outpost Rori
  • Imperial Encampment Rori
  • Mount Chaolot Lok
  • Great Kimogila Skeleton Lok
  • Dathomir Tar Pits
  • Nightsister Stronghold Dath
  • Rubina on Dath
  • Light/Dark Jedi Enclaves on Yavin
  • Exar Temple/Lake on Yavin
  • The Great Massassi Temple Yavin
  • Woolmander Palace Yavin
  • Imperial Fortress/OP Yavin
  • Kashyyk Areas
  • Mustafar Areas
  • Dulok Village Endor
  • DWB Endor
  • Marauder Stronghold Endor
  • Imperial Outpost Talus
  • Imp vs Rebel battle Talus
  • Detainment Center Talus
  • Warren Dantooine
  • Kunga Stronghold Dantooine
  • Aband Rebel Base Dantooine
  • Jedi Temple Dantooine
  • Janta Stronghold Dantooine
  • Imperial Outpost Dantooine
  • Dantari Villages Dantooine

Some cities like anchorhead etc so on also have them regularly. its mainly NPC Cities with starports that do not or spots that are not used for Hubs.

Rewards would not be to hard but some of us that been asking for these from legends dont care about the rewards.

Some Rewards that can fit this system

  • The reason people do not wanna BF here is they are either A: afraid of people seeing their stats and being judged for it. B: it is asked every Friday after PvP when most who are interested are either already signed into Legendaries or OG runs, or it's too late for people C: You can not que as 2v2. Arenas are not really that fun and the rewards for them are just not something people care for. D: people that want to do them want actual good fights, but usually one side gets stuck with someone who does not assist, does not use grenades on commando etc so on so it's usually a 4v5 or 4v6 because people are refusing to learn the game hell there are people who refuse to use a simple /assist macro and keybind it and thats enough for people to not bother as they dont want to be stuck with a gimped team
  • Reason for People not doing Saturday pvp is because it was to dam early 8 am in the morning when most are still asleep after doing Friday Night Fights and Legendary runs.
  • The reason people do not for player bases is easy to figure out. NO REWARDS since the live nerf is present here so people have no need to base bust lol plus its frowned upon usually by the pvp community and was only a way mainly on live during the NGE for getting GCW Decay. This was solved by Invasions/GCW2, and the missing feature here which was Faction Strike Teams.
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