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Jedi Revamp


New member
Jedi Revamp, no holos. your Med gets worked in skills. around 85, you get to craft your robe at 20,60,80, then 90 Jedi Master cloak, cloak of hate, and shatter point, along with elder robe as appearance jedi, you get the belt as well to craft still need mats of all of this, you can only they are all no trade, then for sabers you craft all sabers at 90. Jinzu, and 5 gen worked in tree as well at 90 to craft


New member
Hmm well I appreciate the idea. I'd go further. I'd say, no lightsabers until 90. I think crafting a lightsaber should be special, it should be one of a kind, right now in the NGE system, lightsabers are far too common and to be honest boring.
Make it harder to be a good jedi ! There is a bottleneck already, and thats great, but it just allows people to join server and become jedi right off the bat!. Which really takes away from being a jedi