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New Community Proposals 1-28-25


New member
Greetings, Beyonders.

I have heard some proposed changes from the community, and wanted to get more Yes or No answers, to see how more members of the community feels about them. I will number the proposals. Please reply with the numbers you agree/disagree with.

1.) Yes
2.) No, here's why
3.) Yes please I need this in my life asap


1.) Alphabetize the resource names in the crate of free resource deeds to be able to find the one you want easier YES

2.) Alphabetize the list of macro names you've set to be able to find the one you want easier YES

3.) Add a red/blue banner/tapestry on the starting side walls of each battlefield base to easily tell which side is yours, because newer people to battlefields tend to not know where to return when you've been fighting and circling the base for awhile Sure? Could follow the group

4.) Remove the energy burst part of the kismato's jewelry set since it takes over 1 min to get to a 10 stack on energy burst, and doesn't increase energy burst's damage by much. Instead give it a group buff ability with the 7 piece kismato's, similar to forsake fear when used by a DSJ for stacking damage output, so praetorian can be like the defensive support buff set, and kismato's can be the offensive set and give an additional offensive group buff. YES

5.) Remove the Coffee Lake flashpoint as it has little to no line of sight for PvP fights YES

6.) Give the Shield Specialist 7 piece jewelry set the ability to parry ranged attacks. Currently, jedi is the meta at tanking in PvE because they can parry both ranged and melee attacks with a lightsaber. Shield Specialist Vanguard can only parry melee attacks, and not ranged, with their melee weapon. If implemented, you could choose whichever playstyle (Vanguard or Jedi) and tank just as efficiently as the other. Does Vanguard really need to do everything? Tank/DPS/Healer? Already a pretty OP class.

7.) Since Bounty Hunter already has the melee line in expertise, can get one of the highest armor values in the game, prescience/fumble/take cover/shields for defensive abilities, dread strike for damage reduction/heal cut, etc. give them a 4th jewelry set with more defensive stats for tanking that also gives an AoE taunt with it's 7 piece, and can parry ranged attacks with it, introducing a 3rd PvE tank route to the game. Does the game really need another tank? Every class would require a 4th set of some sort to be fair.

8.) Make all personal combat droids level 90, and for traders a level 90 silver elite version. Currently, it is only with non-combat professions that it will be level 90. Using a combat droid as a combat profession, it's level 60. It wouldn't break the game or create a new meta, level 90 NPCs still don't hit that hard, and combat droids aren't be able to be called back immediately if it dies. To have a droid running around with you that can actually do something more than die in 2 seconds would be a fun little change, and may help the droid engineer economy. Sure?

9.) Move the flashpoint circle on the Vreni Island flashpoint to in the middle of the buildings/cantina area, for more line of sight in PvP fights as it is currently out in the middle of a grass area with no line of sight but the theater area at a decent distance away. YES

10.) Allow males to wear the nightsister armguard, nightsister pestilence leggings, nightsister scourge leggings, and nightsister carnage beret. If you do this then you will have to let them in the Nightsisters bathrooms as well. So NO.

Thank you,
Beyond Staff


New member
This is a neat discussion and some fun ideas. Thanks for opening this up for feedback, it's cool how focused the team is on creating a great experience on Beyond!

1.) Yes

2.) Yes

3.) Yes

4.) I don't have an informed opinion on this one.

5.) Yes

6.) This is interesting. For my own enjoyment, I like when the game fits within a Star Wars theme and feel. So, I'd love for things to make some level of sense within the Star Wars Universe. The ability to parry a melee attack makes sense, that's a normal part of melee combat. The ability for Jedi to parry ranged attacks is explained by (1) the features of a lightsaber being able to block blaster bolts and (2) the Force giving them a premonition about the placement of the shot. If we do this, perhaps we could (1) create special profession-specific weapons with an energy field of some sort that lets them block blaster bolts and (2) create an Expertise box that a Vanguard can select to grant this ability. Call it Force Sensitive or something. This fits within the Star Wars theme because we know there are non-Jedi force-users.

7.) The trick is to balance this with all the other possible BH playstyles to avoid creating an OP/FOTM profession. If a BH can keep strong damage potential but be much tougher it could create an imbalance.

8.) Yes

9.) Yes

10.) Yes

All just my two cents, I'm sure whatever gets implemented will be cool.


Active member
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Don't know enough about VG to give my opinion.
5. Yes, it sucks.
6. Don't know enough about VG to give my opinion.
7. Don't know enough about BH to give my opinion.
8. Yes
9. Yes


New member
Greetings, Beyonders.

I have heard some proposed changes from the community, and wanted to get more Yes or No answers, to see how more members of the community feels about them. I will number the proposals. Please reply with the numbers you agree/disagree with.

1.) Yes
2.) No, here's why
3.) Yes please I need this in my life asap


1.) Alphabetize the resource names in the crate of free resource deeds to be able to find the one you want easier

2.) Alphabetize the list of macro names you've set to be able to find the one you want easier

3.) Add a red/blue banner/tapestry on the starting side walls of each battlefield base to easily tell which side is yours, because newer people to battlefields tend to not know where to return when you've been fighting and circling the base for awhile

4.) Remove the energy burst part of the kismato's jewelry set since it takes over 1 min to get to a 10 stack on energy burst, and doesn't increase energy burst's damage by much. Instead give it a group buff ability with the 7 piece kismato's, similar to forsake fear when used by a DSJ for stacking damage output, so praetorian can be like the defensive support buff set, and kismato's can be the offensive set and give an additional offensive group buff.

5.) Remove the Coffee Lake flashpoint as it has little to no line of sight for PvP fights

6.) Give the Shield Specialist 7 piece jewelry set the ability to parry ranged attacks. Currently, jedi is the meta at tanking in PvE because they can parry both ranged and melee attacks with a lightsaber. Shield Specialist Vanguard can only parry melee attacks, and not ranged, with their melee weapon. If implemented, you could choose whichever playstyle (Vanguard or Jedi) and tank just as efficiently as the other.

7.) Since Bounty Hunter already has the melee line in expertise, can get one of the highest armor values in the game, prescience/fumble/take cover/shields for defensive abilities, dread strike for damage reduction/heal cut, etc. give them a 4th jewelry set with more defensive stats for tanking that also gives an AoE taunt with it's 7 piece, and can parry ranged attacks with it, introducing a 3rd PvE tank route to the game.

8.) Make all personal combat droids level 90, and for traders a level 90 silver elite version. Currently, it is only with non-combat professions that it will be level 90. Using a combat droid as a combat profession, it's level 60. It wouldn't break the game or create a new meta, level 90 NPCs still don't hit that hard, and combat droids aren't be able to be called back immediately if it dies. To have a droid running around with you that can actually do something more than die in 2 seconds would be a fun little change, and may help the droid engineer economy.

9.) Move the flashpoint circle on the Vreni Island flashpoint to in the middle of the buildings/cantina area, for more line of sight in PvP fights as it is currently out in the middle of a grass area with no line of sight but the theater area at a decent distance away.

10.) Allow males to wear the nightsister armguard, nightsister pestilence leggings, nightsister scourge leggings, and nightsister carnage beret.

Thank you,
Beyond Staff
1) No, only for the fact that this is such a minor addition that most players are only using 1 time to redeem, not worth the resources to make this change
2) Yes, this at least potentially would effect every player more frequently than #1, I would not place priority on this one.
3) Yes, great idea, definitely would contribute to the superiority of the Beyond Server
4) Yes, sounds balanced, but I would recommend that the DPS increase be looked at to ensure its not a regrettable change, never played DSJ myself, but sounds reasonable
5) Yes
6) Yes, more tank options is always a welcome change
7) Yes, same as 6 more tanks more options, maybe only addition would be an additional AOE cone attack to replace the loss of Burn while using a melee weapon
8) No, hard no, we don’t need lvl 90 droids or elite droids for traders - on Beyond we get 7 char slots and 7 on at the same time. If a trader needs combat, we can use our combat toon.

Feel this would be annoying in PvP for everyone to know have to have a droid otherwise loose out on potential dps.
Also there needs to be a separation of a droid, that requires no expertise vs BM pets that require an investment - if this Lvl 90 droids was a point investment in BM, thus at a cost/sacrifice of other points, I would be more in favor or simply add these as points on Trader only

9) Yes, sounds good
10) Yes, why not?


New member
1) Could go either way for me. Doing this would make it easier, but it's also convenient having the new/current resources at the top of the list, and switching it would mess that up.
8) No, at least no to 90. Create some new ones that go up to 75/80. Having an "auto 90" pet droid will take away from Creature usage as pets. Why bother grinding a pet up to 90, even if AFK, when you can buy a droid that's 90 right away?


New member
1) Could go either way for me. Doing this would make it easier, but it's also convenient having the new/current resources at the top of the list, and switching it would mess that up.
8) No, at least no to 90. Create some new ones that go up to 75/80. Having an "auto 90" pet droid will take away from Creature usage as pets. Why bother grinding a pet up to 90, even if AFK, when you can buy a droid that's 90 right away?
I dont' see a way to edit a post.
As for the droid thing, the only toons I've ever had combat droids on, with different post-live servers, have been combat characters. it was pointed out to me that combat droids are only lowered to 60 for combat characters, not traders. I feel like an idiot for that. That's what I get for going on vague memories from so long ago.