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SWG Beyond

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Where Is Everyone?


New member
I recently started my journey playing my bounty hunter in Mos Eisley, and I saw that there was hardly anyone there. It made me wonder if there was a problem going on in-game, and if the player base couldn't log into the game, or were just really busy at the moment. I'm hoping it's just the latter.
Hey bud,
Most chatter goes on in discord.

There is a decent sized player base on Beyond. Eisley isn't always the hangout hotspot that it is on other servers. B/c of the character limit being 7, most people have their own entertainers that they log in and keep them in their city or own houses.

If you need the ents to be on, if you shout on the beyond discord server, people will gladly log in real quick and get you hooked up.

There are stim bots and the medic buff bots in the starport in eisley. But most of the time eisley tends to be a passthrough to pick up daily's, cash in tokens etc.

A bunch of us started about a month ago coming over from the legends server, and it is different in a good way. The server encourages the job market and not an afk standpoint. They do a ton of events all together, there's at least one server event per day. Then they always break up into groups to run different content afterwards.

The community / staff is a lot more engaged with the player base than legends ever is.

End of the day hop onto discord. Ask your questions there.


Well-known member
Most people here sadly are always Busy out doing stuff and lot do not hang in eisley as per above post.

Decent sized community but yeah people are often not AFK lol theres always AFK leveling groups though.

If curious About servers PVP Population you can check my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvuL3LlSeFobmkYncMZi8Zw you can check any the Beyond tagged video's though im regularly lately missing some as i either forget to hit record or just not in the mood too..

Otherwise lots hang out in the beyond discord and their guild discords.