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Can we please get rid of the restrictions on planetary specific houses? New houses are awesome, but there’s not a flat spot or Corellia or talus.
hi Muhtar i am coming back is there away to get approve?
Hello @Morta , please rejoin discord and we will be able to assign you the player role.
Hello Muhtar I have not been able to log onto the server for the last couple of days ... the login procedure gets to my logon id and password, and nothing happens beyond that point ... is the server down? I will also contact you folks a little later to straighten out the problem I am having with discord and my account, as you suggested earlier. This is tlaquache ( in game mapache, etc )
No the server is not down, the IP of the server changed with the additional node. You will need to download the latest patch on the launcher. I highly recommend you join us on Discord, we can update our records with your new discord handle and assign you the player role.