SWG Beyond

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  1. D

    QoL Changes

    change the Serotonin Purge to remove buff affects on a player, for a short period of time, but reapply them after that time period is up. If you remove more than 1 buff, the seretonin purge gives a buff number removed on the icon. This way you can track how many buffs were stripped. But after...
  2. D

    QoL Changes

    Allow Entertainers to earn their tokens in other NPC cities ( Theed, Coronet, all major starport cities) , not just the Eisley Cantina.
  3. D

    QoL Changes

    Make cluster bomb usable indoors. Right now when you use it inside a building you get Can't see target 15 times.
  4. D

    QoL Changes

    A combat dummy that attacks you and feeds you back information on your defensive rolls in comparison to the combat dummy that you attack and gives you your damage roll stats.
  5. D

    QoL Changes

    Increase the amount of credits assigned to a player after a pvp kill. ADDED Add bounty values to the top ranked GCW winners each week. The amount of player bounties on the server is very slim.
  6. D

    QoL Changes

    We could do this by improving the jewelry sets to add more of a bonus. Promoting the drive to attain the sets, and making weapon crafting more rewarding.
  7. D

    QoL Changes

    Jetpack wearable as appearance. ADDED
  8. D

    QoL Changes

    Change the Special Treasure Map (treasure chest) Jewelry. Change them from left and right bracelets, to left and right earrings. This way they are useful.
  9. D

    QoL Changes

    1.) Adjust the Daily Reset timers to align with the Instance Reset timers. ADDED 2.) Change Mustafar tokens no trade shared
  10. D

    QoL Changes

    Have the tinkers Set that you buy in Aurillia be an every profession tinkers set. not just trader. But leave the tinker set you buy with trader tokens "trader only"
  11. D

    QoL Changes

    The crafted Bounty Hunter armor belt is currently colorable during crafting. But the crafted armor color kits don't work on them. Have the kits work with them please. ADDED
  12. D

    QoL Changes

    Since RLS2 Boxes drop from legendary moments during legendary events. Have RLS1 boxes have a chance to drop from regular Heroics and regular Instances (OG's, ,Regular Musty) Give new players a taste of the RLS system without having to get into super legendary right away.
  13. D

    QoL Changes

    Make Geonosian Speeders Tradeable. ADDED
  14. D

    QoL Changes

    Have the currency converting droid not only swap GCW comms to Restuss comms. But let us swap Restuss comms to GCW comms as well. ADDED
  15. D

    Where Is Everyone?

    Hey bud, Most chatter goes on in discord. There is a decent sized player base on Beyond. Eisley isn't always the hangout hotspot that it is on other servers. B/c of the character limit being 7, most people have their own entertainers that they log in and keep them in their city or own...
  16. D

    QoL Changes

    Lightsaber crystal crafting system? System enables you to deconstruct and / or reconstruct lightsaber color crystals to make combos that you want. Deconstruction: You can break down the lightsaber crystal into a 1 Color / Damage type / Damage % example: Generic Dark Blue looted cystal breaks...
  17. D

    QoL Changes

    Improve bounty hunters Duelist stance to have a 25% DOT absorb. Sort of like commandos improved stim armor.
  18. D

    QoL Changes

    Change the 5 piece Frontman Enrage ability from "generates 10 kills" to make it an area Hate generator. This way commandos can generate hate and hold aggro a little easier. Instead of the group waiting for them to get a couple stacks on the boss. ADDED Change the guardian strike on the Jedi...
  19. D

    QoL Changes

    Make the miners in Droid army and the citizens in tk during phase 3 be untargetable. This way you can effectively use cycle target in those heroic phases. ADDED