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QoL Changes

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New member
Allow bio-linked items to be offered and sold by vendors. Note: This should have a warning when purchasing a bio-linked item.

Reasoning: This would allow you to offer weapons to vendors to be sliced. It's very annoying that you have to manually trade bio-linked items, necessitating meeting up in person to facilitate a weapon-slice.


Well-known member
Remove the Debuff from Spices entirely (really dont think these are honestly needed anymore)
Or option two allow us to stack the spice timer up to 3 hours.


Well-known member
Please add the Low-cut Top color Pallet to the Nightsister/SMC Clothing as it stands the NS Clothing has no matching colors to other game pallets and i know this is a easy change as other servers have added the better color pallets to them. the NS Stuff is its own colors and it would be nice if the colors got added so we can mix/match with other clothing/armor.


New member
a macro command that will automatically create a manufacturing schematic, similar to the below ones that can auto create item or practice.
  • /createPrototype
  • /createPrototype Practice No Item


New member
Make it so all of the jewelry like the scavenger and fishing bracelets can go in the jewelry box also please! ADDED

Also make it so an officer can grant someone the right to pick up all of the contents out of the supply box at once please!


Active member
Add +1 second Standfast Duration to Frontman Jewelry
-Frontman Commando gets severely outclassed by jugg mandos in pvp. the damage lost for running frontmans is nowhere near made up for in the defenses that Frontman gives you. giving them an added duration to their standfast would allow them to take more of the heat for longer. or stay up in the "front" longer. the utility as of right now for frontman just isnt there since Jugg set can do the same thing and just do more dmg.

Add Grenade Throw Range to 7pc Grenadier set.
-Currently Grenadier just isnt a viable option to run, since the AoE dmg from Heavy weapon use is too strong. all the added Devastation from Jugg set and sliced gear. hitting Dev proc's with a heavy weapon is very strong. if we increased the range of Grenadiers grenades to 45m-50m it could give them the opportunity to keep the aoe dmg equivalent and allow for some serious dmg spikes in competitive PvP. Currently Grenadier feels like playing officer, just without all the group utility.


Active member
Create a one character per account GCW Leaderboard.
Create a toggle option that makes it so only one of your characters can get Leaderboard Points for the week. With the current "meta" (for lack of better term) its log all your toons on and go grind space invasions. and the only players in the top 10+ are 2 accounts fighting for first place. For regular GCW points by all means log all your toons and get the regular ones. but for actual Leaderboard pts. locking this to one character would just make more sense for the entire server to participate.
*Make it a toggle that stays on week in and week out until you choose to change the character that you want to get leaderboard points for. if possible make it so you you can toggle it between characters until one of your characters gains leaderboard pts then it locks it to that character for the week and doesn't unlock until GCW reset on Thursdays


Well-known member
Separate the Space and ground GCW Boards.

Space GCW Gains its own System that Awards a Convoy Crate+Badge for the Top10 on rebel/imp.
Space GCW Guild/City Top5 Gain a Fast Travel to Ord Mantel as well as Hyperspace commands to Deepspace/kes

Ground GCW Is Separated into PVE/PVP.

PVP Kills Only Award PVP Board Progress. Top10 either side gain a Random box with 250 GCW Comms or 250 FP Tokens+Badge.
PVE Invasions/NPC Kills etc Give PVE Board Progress Top10 either side gain a Random box with 100 GCW Comms or 100 FP Tokens+Badge.
Guild/City are Also in there Own maybe PVP/PVE. PVE Rewards Stay the same but Top 5 PVP Guild Gain a Travel waypoint to there factions base in restuss+Badge.


Active member
Create a one character per account GCW Leaderboard.
Create a toggle option that makes it so only one of your characters can get Leaderboard Points for the week. With the current "meta" (for lack of better term) its log all your toons on and go grind space invasions. and the only players in the top 10+ are 2 accounts fighting for first place. For regular GCW points by all means log all your toons and get the regular ones. but for actual Leaderboard pts. locking this to one character would just make more sense for the entire server to participate.
*Make it a toggle that stays on week in and week out until you choose to change the character that you want to get leaderboard points for. if possible make it so you you can toggle it between characters until one of your characters gains leaderboard pts then it locks it to that character for the week and doesn't unlock until GCW reset on Thursdays
This please


New member
Hey Beyonders!

Please post below any thoughts and/or ideas that you may have!
I really hope that the Auto Element Processor units change to match the time of a normal Element Processor. It take alot of currency time and crafting to obtain these and it is a bit of a kick in the butt that each enzyme added to the machine adds time. In total if fully loaded it adds 12 times the time vs normal time. Example if I run 12 enzymes in my crafted capped machines it takes 1 hour and 14 minutes. If I run 12 in my Auto machine it takes 23 hours and 14 minutes. I hope that changes in future patches.


Well-known member
Not sure it's even a possibility but adding a new tool for powerups 2 Slots.

Allows you to put 2 Powersups in of the same Type.

I.E Damage+Crit say both are +10 when combined the tool pops out a new Powerup with Half the stats of both so +5 Dmg/+5 Crit. So you gain both stats but at a Cost. This work with any stats we can pup and would allow for some Cool Combos like BC/CHR CHR/GB etc you get the idea.

Maybe a new tool for 5K MUS Smugglers only toolthat cost 100 IPM's and has 10 uses.
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