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QoL Changes


New member
Agreed - optouts should be considered. I wouldn't mind being able to extrapolate our own data instead of the group as a whole, Helps with build tweaks and possible gear changes. Honestly it would help in the case of, well this wasn't working as well as I thought etc. It doesn't register with me if I'm doing well purely by the dps meter, that thing frequently breaks especially with the new damage ranges/buffs/earrings, unless I'm seriously pulling over 100k DPS in some spikes. Its a joke now for me but if I had hard numbers to look at, I would be able to weed out the fluff. See where I'm lacking and help beef it up.
Somethings way too OP if anything is hitting 100K on the meter. No prof could stand up to that if it went through dodge, parry, evasion in PVP and that would result in a 1 hit kill, even through glance. STO did the same thing, altho they sold power, and "vaping" came into play. Now, there's no PVP in STO to speak of. OP hits like this, is a reason for any1 to not engage in 1/2 of the end game content. Ev1 wants "More DPS please" but if defenses are not upped to the same amount(s), then you have a major imbalance and that translated to non-participation. I've seen all kinds of major mistakes, like this example, on these private servers and this comes from a guy who ran privates for about 6 years.


Officer + Like 40 enemies or something close. I would hazard to say it was a fraction of that in reality, but goes to show the DPS meter is a bit sketchy to say the least. I know I hit hard but not that hard lol. I was using it as an example of the inaccuracy of the dps meter in game in favor of an export we can use to get accurate data.

To esquire - This isn't to dig at the devs or the progression we've seen. This is definitely to point out our DPS meters in the game are broken. I very seriously doubt I'm pulling that even against an army of enemies and players defenses are even better than NPC's.
Example and note - The combat logs would tell a totally different story - : 1724698370344.png 1724698396497.png1724698827469.png
The moral of it all, either I'm hitting like a mack truck, or the DPS meter is defective. I'm betting on the DPS meter being defective. The first pic is something someone sent me, second is me goofing around on a couple target dummies, 3rd is from Legendary COM on the foreman boss.
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New member
Officer + Like 40 enemies or something close. I would hazard to say it was a fraction of that in reality, but goes to show the DPS meter is a bit sketchy to say the least. I know I hit hard but not that hard lol. I was using it as an example of the inaccuracy of the dps meter in game in favor of an export we can use to get accurate data.

To esquire - This isn't to dig at the devs or the progression we've seen. This is definitely to point out our DPS meters in the game are broken. I very seriously doubt I'm pulling that even against an army of enemies and players defenses are even better than NPC's.
Example and note - The combat logs would tell a totally different story - : View attachment 284 View attachment 285View attachment 286
The moral of it all, either I'm hitting like a mack truck, or the DPS meter is defective. I'm betting on the DPS meter being defective. The first pic is something someone sent me, second is me goofing around on a couple target dummies, 3rd is from Legendary COM on the foreman boss.
there is a program you can run that puts all combat data from your chat into an exported form. i can send it to you on discord if you or anyone else wants to use it. its a little annoying to use but its neat to read through. you can also put on group members in your combat log to see how the whole group is doing, and make fun of your friends with low APM


Shadow had said something about it but a google search turned up a nothing burger. If you dont mind sending it my way that'd be great! I'm not so much worried about others and definitely wouldn't be holding anything anyone. Its purely for my own tweaks and build info


New member
  • Make macros automatically sort alphabetically.
  • Make macros update automatically across all clients open so when you close one client, it doesn't overwrite the others, etc.
  • Allow speeders to be repaired at flashpoint load-in area.
  • Disable Restuss NPCs and dropships during FnF. Maybe use an invisible trigger that a CSR can toggle.
  • Fix Area Heal over Time particles (When a medic uses an AOE heal it repeats the particle once for every single player within 45 meters - so with 100 people standing around and someone with the AoE HoT on Macro it was sending 10 (number of HoT targets) * 100 (number of players) = 1000 particle effects at once.)
  • Fix Colonel Legendary buff (stacks repeatedly and causes significant particle effects (same code as HoT effects).


New member
1) A review into whether Overridable Armour from Smuggler expertise should continue to diminish all irregular armour by half, e.g. Base of Operations, Base Powder, Ent Buff, IG-88 Head, Carbonite Cakes etc.

I would say the extent to which irregular armour is currently impacted is, well, a bit too broad.

2) Consider a possible rethink to Rogue and Scoundrel's set bonuses for the following reasons:

Rogue - there's always the option not to take SAS, but no option not to use Rogue in a PvP setting. If you are going to make full use of 7 piece Rogue and not take SAS, you are limiting what you get out of the set. At the same time, taking the line means you are usually looking at a 3-5 point expertise investment, even if you want to spend the points elsewhere.

Scoundrel's - again, a nice bonus to BTD, but BTD is locked behind 4 points of Hammer Fanning and requires full investment in the pistol line. I'm not sure that unlinking BTD makes sense, but strongly encouraging point investment is limiting.

Even if you debate other profession sets that grant bonuses to specific abilities, most seem to require only a single point investment (many abilities being unlinked) or no investment at all. In many of those cases, the single point investment and any additional improvements are usually what we would consider mandatory anyway e.g. Smoke & Mirrors, SFP, Lightning, Maelstrom etc. What I mean by this is that there's isn't actually much of a choice, which is not the case for Smuggler.

I've left Gambler's out because it's already a line specific set, Camouflage Ally requires no investment, OTC is virtually mandatory, and FH can be picked up for 1 point (unlinked).

TL;DR: there is less flexibility RE expertise - due to the 7 piece bonuses for Scoundrel's + Rogue, not more.

*Note, I haven't reviewed Vanguard at all, so, err, sorry.
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New member
Two revamped hydroprocessing tools (Enzyme Centrifuge and Element Processor) were created and added to the Beast Master vendor, but the third was not changed. The new machines are faster, creating a bottleneck in hydro creation. Please add an improved Enzyme Re-Processor that aligns with the latest tools and the Time Reduction for the Re-Processor to the Bio-Engineering Set.


Active member
Bio link items to Account - This doesn't have to be all bio link items but should include weapons, backpacks, buff items. but certain items can still be deemed character bio linked. such as class specific items like lightsabers.
Hardmode Token Vendor - add a hardmode token/vendor to the game to allow players who routinely run hardmode TK(as of now since this is the only hardmode we have so far) to be able to purchase items from the instance with the specific hardmode token.
GPP option for Aurilia - If possible have a GPP only shuttle to Aurilia to help groups get their players there. for Hoth, or running Hardmode Maps on Dathomir.
Allow Vehicles to be called outside the QZ - Currently when you load into the QZ starport there is a zone that removes the ability to call a vehicle out. I'm assuming this was intended so players couldn't wall glitch through to get access to the quarantine zone. if its possible it would be nice to shrink/move this zone so we can call our vehicles out at the starport when we load in there. Giant hassle having to get 16 man groups to walk down a giant hillside with mobs spawning just to get them in a vehicle.
Auto Delete GPP waypoints - Have the waypoint auto delete itself when the GPP timer ends
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Well-known member
Bio link items to Account - This doesn't have to be all bio link items but should include weapons, backpacks, buff items. but certain items can still be deemed character bio linked. such as class specific items like lightsabers.
Hardmode Token Vendor - add a hardmode token/vendor to the game to allow players who routinely run hardmode TK(as of now since this is the only hardmode we have so far) to be able to purchase items from the instance with the specific hardmode token.
GPP option for Aurilia - If possible have a GPP only shuttle to Aurilia to help groups get their players there. for Hoth, or running Hardmode Maps on Dathomir.
Allow Vehicles to be called outside the QZ - Currently when you load into the QZ starport there is a zone that removes the ability to call a vehicle out. I'm assuming this was intended so players couldn't wall glitch through to get access to the quarantine zone. if its possible it would be nice to shrink/move this zone so we can call our vehicles out at the starport when we load in there. Giant hassle having to get 16 man groups to walk down a giant hillside with mobs spawning just to get them in a vehicle.
Auto Delete GPP waypoints - Have the waypoint auto delete itself when the GPP timer ends
Server is already to easy biolinks should stay tbh plus it'd lesson value of items if they were account wide learn from prophecy and evolve.
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Well-known member
I think if you do this it needs to be far less, people will end up afking this and taking advantage of it. Tokens are already not to hard to get
Lmao requires players to actually come out on reb side whih isn';t happening
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Re-work the automated centrifuge and element processor to lower the time, as it is a full day for 8 enzymes in the centrifuge is far outweighted by using single units of the old style. and 12 elements in the new element processor for a full day is also absolutely a waste of time and tokens especially given the possibility of getting tokens is less than perfect.. the cost of the schematics should make it so they are worth using.

my suggestion is double the NORMAL timers with the current allowance of 8 hydros, and 12 elements for processing..

the centrifuge would then be a 6hr processing time for the 8 hydros which if it is supposed to be new and useful would make it worth the effort to purchase and make these.

the element processor would then be 4hrs processing time again making it worth the investment to purchase the schematics and use these.

without these being reworked for times I see no logical reason to purchase and use these at this point.

the animation is cool I will admit but times need re-worked please and thank you!