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SWG Beyond

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QoL Changes

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Well-known member
Change 16 to 32 max for battlefields. ADDED

Add multifaction Battlefields that allow mixed teams.

Possibly still gaining GCW. no idea how hard it would be to code but surely there's a way to make it so the group leader can select to queue as Rebel or Imp and that group's status is converted to rebel or imp thus allowing for mixed teams which would help for evening teams out.


New member
Can we somehow re-introduce this necklace back in game? Whether it be some random Heroic token or the actual quest. Think it was Pre-CU/CU era. Black Sun Medallion. Theres a junk item one thats the same, just cant wear it.
Thank you


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Add a Nightsister Vendor Employement to the spiderclan reward vendor or to the NS theme park vendor.
Wiki says there’s a Ns employment vendor for sale on their reward vendor but we don’t have one here.
We do have the Singing Mountain Clan vendor on the spiderclan reward vendor so it could be added to either this or ns theme park vendor


New member
Add a game scale drop down tab in swgclientsetup>graphics menu from launcher so you can keep full resolution without having ui issues of being very small


Well-known member
Increase the maximum stat of powerups by +1 to allow for the same live values of hitting legendary pups. such as +9 dmges +15 HP's +12 Actions +12 RE's etc. ADDED - powerups can be sliced to increase value.


New member
Hey Beyonders!

Please post below any thoughts and/or ideas that you may have!
How about right shoulder versions of the wookiee shoulderpads? And perhaps Mandalorian armor visible on wookiees too. Even if it does the wierd thing that Katarn does on wookiees.
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Could we take off the unique item that’s on the Aurilian crystals so that they can be used for deco in our homes.
Idk what the reasons were for making them a unique item was but they’re so easily obtainable by any lvl toon through WBs alone. If it’s an issue of not wanting people to be able to trade them/ sell them then could we at least make them a no trade shared? So we could at least be able to trade between our own account toons to place them in homes .
Also I’d love to see the red Aurilian crystals that are inside the mydrill caves added in as a different type of buff or maybe a slightly stronger buff than the blue crystals and also have them be tradeable so we can use both as deco in our houses and be able to trade To our other toons on our own accounts.
The red crystals would add something new that no other server has also so it’d be one more good selling point to bring other players here to our server.


New member
revert some weapons like the Khrassk's Scorekeeper, Exceptional Slugthrower, Exceptional Imperial E-11 Carbine to their standard sound instead of a whisler's carbine or something different sound.


Just a idea for both in same one (single and multi player) instance. Can be a short and quick one. Have Kill A guy that can be solo and any classes can go in to kill it. Since you can add a new items to world boss vender just add a second token to be added so you can buy a chance for legendary moment series 1 daily five of them. So at the new players can get chance to access to that loot table. Also if you want it to a percent drops can add hard mode loot drop and legendary redraft weapons and a daily reset item for crafters to reset for helper monkey. ( if you able to do just few collection reset. Plus series 2 legendary moment. This will only be a for a new daily to get the loot. To get a chance to get a token to buy it at the world boss vender that will give you a crate of resources, item( legendary wigs) and moment chance.


New member
How about a way for new entertainers, aspiring to become competitive, to earn tokens faster or an alternative way of getting the items from the vendor? Perhaps have the tokens be a reward from the Entertainer terminals as well. (and more than 1 at a time?) Even if someone watches/listens to an entertainer, there's no guarantee that you will be the one to buff another player. Why not get tokens from being watched/listened to even if you don't buff?


Well-known member
For the next anniversary add the following items.

Armorsmith: Stacks of Craftable Health enhance modules for armor (max 1 stack with 10 uses) thus allowing for a full suit) 20 tokens 1 use schematic

Weaponsmith: A new tool that works like the mandolorian helmet feature recently added that turns a saber into an improved saber that has 3 inventory slots that accept a weapon power bit from a weaponsmith and a melee aug+enhancer. 10 tokens 2 uses per schematic

Chef: Research data(unused on live https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Secret_Research_Data (add it in as a 2-use schematic 1000 units) have it as an option just like the foods

  • Experimental Nutritional Value PE=66% OQ=33% (Extra Stats)
  • Experimental Flavor FL=66% OQ=33% (Increased Timer)
  • Experimental Quantity DR=25% PE=75% (Extra Uses)
  • Uses any Flora requires 25 per unit 25k resources a run.

This would require staff to add a Chef token for crafting any foods with 83% or higher quality


For the next anniversary add the following items.

Armorsmith: Stacks of Craftable Health enhance modules for armor (max 1 stack with 10 uses) thus allowing for a full suit) 20 tokens 1 use schematic

Weaponsmith: A new tool that works like the mandolorian helmet feature recently added that turns a saber into an improved saber that has 3 inventory slots that accept a weapon power bit from a weaponsmith and a melee aug+enhancer. 10 tokens 2 uses per schematic

Chef: Research data(unused on live https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Secret_Research_Data (add it in as a 2-use schematic 1000 units) have it as an option just like the foods

  • Experimental Nutritional Value PE=66% OQ=33% (Extra Stats)
  • Experimental Flavor FL=66% OQ=33% (Increased Timer)
  • Experimental Quantity DR=25% PE=75% (Extra Uses)
  • Uses any Flora requires 25 per unit 25k resources a run.

This would require staff to add a Chef token for crafting any foods with 83% or higher quality
You can also make it a buff items that can be crafted from the token token vender. If you want player to work to get this option.


(See Pic)
this is the kind of content I’d like to see added into the dwb and I’ve simplified it down so that adding a whole new instance wouldn’t be required while using items already in game to add more content for the dwb and mandalorian content(whether they make a HM or not) and even if it’s just for ascetics.
Could have many types of additions to the armors like i did with the bracers blades and boot spikes and weapon holsters and even the death watch spikes for the helmet.
Also thought since we already have the heat resistant kits in game and composite camo kits they could add a energy resistant kit for mando armor to make it an even 7k kin/ene(considering beskar is supposed to be blaster proof i think this would be a perfect addition since mando is assault with more kin protection.

also could add in different types of color/symbol kits like the camo and battle worn versions, add in painted symbols to add to the armor. Just make them attainable through some new extremely long/hard collection or make these a rare loot drop in the dwb(rarer than liquids to make it more difficult to acquire).
Again they could add all these types of things without even having to make a new instance for the dwb. Just add in new loots and new collections to make things like these obtainable.


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New member
how about making class icons show on target and target of target where it shows player level like how it does in group windows and on the players health/action bars


New member
We need to have this carbine in game! The firing animation is amazing!!! Make it so it can be deconstructed & re-creafted also! PLEASE! ADDED - this item was added to the WB loot box table.
KX-60 Carbine.jpg


New member
Not sure if this is even possible, but I always thought a baz/vendor search filter that allowed us to search by "time left" would be awesome. That was we could search by, say "59 days" as a minimum and see just the new items that had been listed that day.
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