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QoL Changes

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-Have a double loot RNG event instead of double token even t for OGs, legendaries and Hardmodes. Maybe one day, once a month?
- add attachable saddle/backpacks for pets that cna hold extra items. Maybe 3 visual variations.. the traders saddle, the mercenaries saddle, and the adventurers saddle


Something I’ve wished for in SWG since clone wars came out was some kind of solo instance where a toon would have to enter a instance which has multiple bosses to fight, that get harder as you move to the next. Or a series of tests like seen givin by ventress to the night brother clan to decide a champion.
The reward would be some form of buff like we see mother talzin give savage oppress with her spells & dathomirian dark magic. It would boost your toons physical appearance in size and musclular structure and also obviously stats. It could be a 1-2 hr buff that could only be gained once a week?
Or some form of new weapon infused with the Nightsisters dark magic also seen givin to savage oppress in the clone wars series.. that would have an extra stat similar to the fortified tusken Gaderiffis, rifles, and pistols. Any thoughts?
Cool idea or na? Wyt?


Well-known member
Change the 7th Piece of the Trader experimentation set and give +7 to Exp instead of +5 to make up for the WoD bracelet. as it currently stands their is no point in to using the 7th piece as wod bracelet gives extra +2


Show the Group Loot status for the leader of the group. Many times as lead, I have changed the group loot to random, but it will still show FF by my name. If the leader could see what the loot setting was at, it would be helpful.


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Well-known member
Add a tier 2 Housing Improvement Collection

Same as the first.

5 Sets each award +100 Storage
Complete all 5 awards a new storage with +500

Pieces can only be looted off Trash mobs inside Heroics , Hard modes and Legendaries (Legendary instances have a higher drop rate then OG's while hard modes have between both drop rate)


Well-known member
Add the live QOL for hoth radio and remove the no trade. ADDED



New member
Would like too see the other 8 group members, be able to be key bound instead of clicking individuals. Whether it be PvE or PvP, those who utilize key binds may find it a bit troublesome. I personally like to keybind my group members if im playing medic as the whole point and click playstyle isnt my thing, or others in this case. Just something Ive been thinking about since first seeing 16 group members. Which is phenomenal btw. Anywho, would love too see it and/or chat about it! Take care


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-QoL disussion discord chat channel
I know these ideas and thoughts are definitely seen, read, and some are applied in game. This is proven fact

With that said. There isn’t much discussion going on in this thread. As, i believe, it is as it should be. This forum should be for legitimate ideas and thoughts for the game for fun and better play. And nothing wrong with posting a silly idea..

However, there are a lot of ideas here that are just not feasible whether because of licensing or the games limits with it being a 20 years old discontinued.
So I’m suggesting we put a QoL idea chat channel in discord. This way there can be a more free and open dialogue between players and developers and csrs, etc. This would not only, i think, significantly help improve on peoples ideas. It would also help keep QoL posts that won’t ever feasible off this forum. So we could have more ideas, improved ideas, and all while keeping this forum as tidy as possible for the devs so as they go though they have less implausible ideas to go though while having only plausible and improved ideas.
This channel, if it were in discord, would simply just need, probably, a single moderator just to keep non QoL discussions to a minimum.
-2nd idea(unrelated) Would be amazing if we could also add in a decoration chat channel to beyond discord so that decorators could have a place to discuss ideas, help others, post pics, etc. right now, imo, there is a limited amount of decorators on server. Mainly i think it would be great for us decorators to feel open and free to post and discus ideas(same as with the QoL) but also for people who may have never decorated but would like to learn and, overall i think, this would be good for the community and would also help bring more players to beyond. Decorations has and always will be a huge and great part of SWG and there are a ton of players, myself included, who essentially play to decorate.


-Hardmode DWB(edited from previous HM DWB post) (most if not all should be within licensing limits)
So the dwb already exists so the essentially this would be a great way and much easier if adding a whole new aspect to the game, for Beyond. As far as i know no one else has done this.. all that would need to be done is make the entrance terminal have multiple instance options like the forests on kashyyyk. The dwb as it could stay the same while adding another type of Hardmode instance, OG, legendary(whatever you’d like to call it).
Previously i put some ideas like adding in the prototype Mandalorian armor, during live that was never actually put into game before it closed, in game. Id like to retract that idea. Not because it’s not a good idea but i know it’s a somewhat difficult and time consuming addition. I also added collection items ideas, peviously that I’d all stilll I’ve to see(there’s pretty much no limits the amount of content this would creat in of itself) that when all collected could give us new Mandalorian items whether for actual game play, house decorations, vehicles, new pets/creatures, additional colors,symbols,skins,helmet styles to the game. Instead of adding a whole new set of armor we could simply(maybe not simple but less difficult : ) add in skin variations kind of like how the camo composite was done. So, obviously camo could be one, having more than 2 color pallets for each piece of armor(I’ll post 1 pic with 2 very sunken yet very cool and could rather easily added. This picture will be the 2 black helmets one has simple creature scratch marks going down the face and the tiger has that and one side the visor is white while the other side is black. ( example Sabine wren from Star Wars rebels and her always changing very artistic designs. Not saying that her specific design should be added, Im not sure that would fall under licensing agreements)but we could add in little symbols to our armor on any piece we choose. Examples: mythosuar skull, the yellow wheat symbol of jaster mereel famously worn by boba fett, the shriek hawk symbol of adopted by clan Vizsla and later Deathwatch, the symbol of the Jaig eyes, also anothe shriek hawk symbol, worn famously by captain Rex and many other clones of the republic and many Mandalorians, the symbol of the Mandalorian crusaders, the symbol of the Mandalorian neo crusaders, this list literally goes on forever so it opens a lot of customization ideas without having to change the current designs of Mandalorian armor.
2nd addition that, i think, would be amazing is adding the different visor(eye slots) on helmets(while keeping the helmets shape essentially the same)and possibly even being able to add horns to the helmet so it resembles a mythosuar or metal horns as seen in clone wars when maul becomes mandalore and creates the shadow collective syndicate. (The shadow collective alone could spread out into soooo many other additions that could be added into the game at some point.)
Most everyone knows or has seen or heard of the symbols i suggested but i will post one pic of some of the different visor types that could be added( as well as an example of some horns(although the armorers specific horn design may not fall into licensing agreement but i think clone wars versions could and if not it could be easily tweaked).


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Hardmode DWB(edited from previous HM DWB post not the one directly above this post but one from, idk maybe month or 2 ago, i spent so much time editing things as i researched and was able to give it more and better thoughts that i ran out of editing time and i don’t know how to delete the previous post ) (most if not all should be within licensing limits)
So the dwb already exists so essentially this would be a great way and much easier if adding a whole new aspect to the game, for Beyond. As far as i know no one else has done this.. all that would need to be done is make the entrance terminal have multiple instance options like the forests on kashyyyk. The dwb as it could stay the same while adding another type of Hardmode instance, OG, legendary(whatever you’d like to call it).
Previously i put some ideas like adding in the prototype Mandalorian armor, during live that was never actually put into game before it closed, in game. Id like to retract that idea. Not because it’s not a good idea but i know it’s a somewhat difficult and time consuming addition. I also added collection items ideas, peviously that I’d all stilll Like to see(there’s pretty much no limits the amount of content this would create in of itself) that when all collected could give us new Mandalorian items for our game play(flamethrower skill that comes out of bracers, the jango fett Jetpack but also make the boba and jango able to fire a single rocket launcher or a limited amount per day, metal cable that could shoot from the bracers to snare an enemy, a new grenade type of ability, something like whistling birds form The Mandalorian(the whistling birds I’m not sure would fall under the licensing because we see it in disneys show which Sony had nothing to do with but i imagine if you go backm in lore far enough there also mention of this whether it was cannon or not idk if that matters but i t could be adjusted to be a mini projective that never misses it’s target.)And again all these would need considerable limitations bcuz as we know and can imagine this would game changers but if kept to single or 2,3 uses a day couldn’t be viable. I guess technically you could limit the dmg of these instead of the number of uses but that would almost defeat the purpose, which is adding legitimate new Mandalorian content to the game. Which would benefit the server as whole undoubtedly) no one has done any of this on any server with one exception Empire in flames did add flamethrowers to mando bracers. 7saying house decorations, vehicles, new pets/creatures, additional colors,symbols,skins,helmet styles to the game. Instead of adding a whole new set of armor we could simply(maybe not simple but less difficult : ) add in skin variations kind of like how the camo composite was done. So, obviously camo could be one, having more than 2 color pallets for each piece of armor(I’ll post 1 pic with 2 very simple yet very cool and could be rather easily added. This picture will be the 2 black helmets one has simple creature scratch marks going down the face and the tiger has that and one side the visor is white while the other side is black. ( example Sabine wren from Star Wars rebels and her always changing very artistic designs. Not saying that her specific design should be added, Im not sure that would fall under licensing agreements)but we could add in little symbols to our armor on any piece we choose. Examples: mythosuar skull, the yellow wheat symbol of jaster mereel famously worn by boba fett, the shriek hawk symbol of adopted by clan Vizsla and later Deathwatch, the symbol of the Jaig eyes, also anothe shriek hawk symbol, worn famously by captain Rex and many other clones of the republic and many Mandalorians, the symbol of the Mandalorian crusaders, the symbol of the Mandalorian neo crusaders, this list literally goes on forever so it opens a lot of customization ideas without having to change the current designs of Mandalorian armor.
2nd addition that, i think, would be amazing is adding the different visor(eye slots) on helmets(while keeping the helmets shape essentially the same)and possibly even being able to add horns to the helmet so it resembles a mythosuar or metal horns as seen in clone wars when maul becomes mandalore and creates the shadow collective syndicate. (The shadow collective alone could spread out into soooo many other additions that could be added into the game at some point.)
Most everyone knows or has seen or heard of the symbols i suggested but i will post one pic of some of the different visor types that could be added( as well as an example of some horns(although the armorers specific horn design may not fall into licensing agreement but i think clone wars versions could and if not it could be easily tweaked).
Tbh i think if this content was added we could easily see server population double or not more. Which means more people to pay with, more donations, which in turn means better quality gameplay and essentially could a whole galaxy sized expansion to the game. I don’t say that lightly, it is my opinion, but i also believe it is the opinion of the majority of Star Wes fans.
If any devs, csrs, players see anything i made mistake please message me on discord @Drauger#3938 and i would make and another post with updates better ideas. (Again another reason to add the QoL chat channel to our discord
; )


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Could also add in factions/clans for mandos like nightsister, singing mountain clan, and spiderclan n the WoD theme parks which would give people more customizations and a way to relate to others and could create faction disputes and faction unity which ultimately means we could add in, possibly, add in a better and original idea for the dark saber as a vibro blade similar to a lightsaber but would be a legal way to add it into the game. Top of my head it could be named the dark vibro saber. Could also add in muthosaurs that would drop the darksaber pearls which has been discussed by anhydrous mando fans on how and where the dark saber crystal came from. (Just lien krayt pearls. The idea is that the giant creature swallow up parts of the ground containing beskar infused kyber crystal. This was the original idea of what the dark saber was going to be but George Lucas thought that there was no way a vibro blade could hold up against a lightsaber so he had it changed to a slightly different type of lightsaber. This could be used by players who complete a theme park and they would have to gather specific new materials needed to make along with the original materials used in the armor. The theme parks could be done the same as others through quests competed for their faction/clan. Add these quests to progress in this factions/clans and specific items on a reward vendor to those clans for these items. Also this would be a great opportunity to add in at least one new space spaceship in game like the mandalorian Gauntlet starfighter which is a sleek combat ship that also serves as a troop transport. It has a sleek primary hull flanked by large pivoting wings that contain the craft's drives.


Replace the visor on Mando helms to black instead of a face.
Allow color pallets for the visors themselves. I didn’t specifically mention that in the last post but that is also something I’d love to see and again, i think, would be a relatively easy update that could be done.


Active member
Allow color pallets for the visors themselves. I didn’t specifically mention that in the last post but that is also something I’d love to see and again, i think, would be a relatively easy update that could be done.
Also change the color pallet on the neck so you can match it to the rest of the clothing.


Fix the loot RNG. Multiple people including myself are tired of watching the same people loot everything and we get barely anything (if that).
Also pls do something/anything please about weaponsmith crafting rng. Idk what the percent of rng fails/success is in the code but even if you could improve it by .01% it would make enough difference to prevent players from, understandbly and reasonably, competely quiting altogether bcuz how bad the success rate of rng is at the moment and this will expands into many other issues for the server as a whole.. not just the ws and single buyer.
Also pls do something/anything please about weaponsmith crafting rng. Idk what the percent of rng fails/success is in the code but even if you could improve it by .01% it would make enough difference to prevent players from, understandbly and reasonably, competely quiting altogether bcuz how bad the success rate of rng is at the moment and this will expands into many other issues for the server as a whole.. not just the ws and single buyer.
We could do this by improving the jewelry sets to add more of a bonus.

Promoting the drive to attain the sets, and making weapon crafting more rewarding.
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