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QoL Changes


Well-known member
Make Atmo Musty 1 per account can only enter. you can farm alts via going up and get Tokens etc and can be macro afked.
Boost The token gain at FP if there has been ongoing fighting for winner/loser 75 Losing/150 Winner but requires there to have been PVP there in last 5-10 Minutes.


New member
Increase the pricing of junk sales back to vanilla. I've had the unique experience of coming back to all 90s but only with items that were bio-linked or no-trade. This economy is more expensive than when I was here before, maybe as much as X2 or more. Fast spawns are being AFKed 100%, 24/7, I would assume to keep up with credits required and/or needed. And if you find a spot, another will come in on top of your character that has more AFK DPS. It's that competitive. The cut in credits only hurts new players. If I would have had my 1/2 billion creds, this would not have affected me, but new players are extremely affected. Beyond is still competing with all the other "easy mode" privates out there. The newer (added to vanilla) end game content is very nice and is a draw but if a new player has to grind credits for months and months, it's easy for them to lose interest.
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New member
Remove the limitation on Ent jewelry of not being able to get tokens on buffing your own characters. This is pretty much "fight-clubbed" anyway.


Add a damage/healing stat export window we can call up for pve stuff similar to battlefields - halp us min/maxers

Add more profession specific bonuses to buildings - example - diner bonus % to the garage for DE, Hangars for SW/Archi, Commando bunker for WS/AS / Fashion Tent/VIP Bunker for Tailor. Or a Generic Crafting building.

An idea for crafters that kinda came from shipwright side of things. Please for the love of god allow items stored in boxes in the structure, to only count for the box. This will eliminate the need for a SW to have 5999999 houses to store parts/resources. This will declutter cities, and stop the planet we're on from becoming a neutron star. I'm sure most if not all crafters could get behind this. I would also be willing to grind for a month for the tokens to buy a house upgrade that allows this or midlithe/atmo/gcw2/sw tokens or a combination since it is rather OP. - Restriction - should only be with a house a trader is declared to. The Trader would need to remove the items over the limit before declaring elsewhere effectively locking the trader to the house - The trader should also be locked from being respec'd to a combat profession while this is active. A new box in game maybe? Ideally like the Bothan storage that was on the anniversary vendor just picked up by structures on the trader vendor that has 100+ Storage slots that just counts as 1 item when in structures only.
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New member
Add a Token tick to the objective inside FP's maybe +50 Tokens a tick if you are inside the red circle if you are not cloaked or dead
I think if you do this it needs to be far less, people will end up afking this and taking advantage of it. Tokens are already not to hard to get


New member
Changes to Dark Fury Set

Currently it gives the following bonuses in TOTAL:

+34 Force Lightning Action Cost
+34 Force Shockwave Action Cost
5.1 sec reduction in Force Lightning Cooldown
5.1 sec reduction in Force Shockwave Cooldown
24% Fury Chance. Fury resets the Cooldown of Force Lightning, Force Maelstrom, or Force Shockwave after their use.

Each Individual Piece gives:
2 Force Lightning Action Cost
2 Force Shockwave Action Cost
3 Force Shockwave Cooldown
3 Force Lightning Cooldown

I propose it is changed to the following bonuses in TOTAL:

+34 Force Lightning Action Cost
5.1 sec reduction in Force Lightning Cooldown
31% Fury Chance. Fury resets the Cooldown of Force Lightning or Force Maelstrom after their use.
10% Force Electrical Damage

As well as each individual piece granting the following:
2 Force Lightning Action Cost
3 Force Lightning Cooldown
1 Fury Chance. Fury resets the Cooldown of Force Lightning or Force Maelstrom after their use.
1 Force Electrical Damage

I believe Dark Fury is outdated as it gives bonuses to Shockwave which no DSJ will ever spec into. Other DPS sets such as scoundrel have benefited a lot more from the 7 piece bonus compared to Fury. This would buff DSJ for PVE and make them more desirable to bring into hard modes as DPS, and PVP as well as I believe Guardian and Heroism are far superior for PVP.
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Active member
Add a PvE export to legendary/hardmode content that players can opt into. So if a player doesn’t want their numbers shown they don’t have to be added. Not all players play to be competitive. And adding this would/does cause segregation among players. It happened on legends with a third party program that tracked combat logs for all players in the group. And if a player under performed they were not invited again. (For OGs of all things) the idea is great tho for those who want to see actual numbers being done in PvE content.


Add a PvE export to legendary/hardmode content that players can opt into. So if a player doesn’t want their numbers shown they don’t have to be added. Not all players play to be competitive. And adding this would/does cause segregation among players. It happened on legends with a third party program that tracked combat logs for all players in the group. And if a player under performed they were not invited again. (For OGs of all things) the idea is great tho for those who want to see actual numbers being done in PvE content.
Agreed - optouts should be considered. I wouldn't mind being able to extrapolate our own data instead of the group as a whole, Helps with build tweaks and possible gear changes. Honestly it would help in the case of, well this wasn't working as well as I thought etc. It doesn't register with me if I'm doing well purely by the dps meter, that thing frequently breaks especially with the new damage ranges/buffs/earrings, unless I'm seriously pulling over 100k DPS in some spikes. Its a joke now for me but if I had hard numbers to look at, I would be able to weed out the fluff. See where I'm lacking and help beef it up.