In theory of the leftist agenda hand sampling forces us to leave computers running pulling more electricity adding to the harmful carbon emissions that cause global warming with temps that arent even record breakers when we didn't have carbon emissions. How about making some mustifar miniing droids that you can actually use to mine but they burrow and disappear and reappear when full and still take up slots. This would save the world from global warming that produces fires and causes epic cold hard freezes in states that never get them, if only we can get China and other countries to follow. How about making amazing success chance one on anniversary looking goggles for traders or a set like that you can purchase on a vendor and call it WORKING AS INTENDED Spectacles and in description you can say gives the crafter the ability to pay close attention for perfection. How about the no trade shared being added to a special back deposit section so we can stop dropping houses to drop the stuff only to have to pick them back up.