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QoL Changes


New member
In theory of the leftist agenda hand sampling forces us to leave computers running pulling more electricity adding to the harmful carbon emissions that cause global warming with temps that arent even record breakers when we didn't have carbon emissions. How about making some mustifar miniing droids that you can actually use to mine but they burrow and disappear and reappear when full and still take up slots. This would save the world from global warming that produces fires and causes epic cold hard freezes in states that never get them, if only we can get China and other countries to follow. How about making amazing success chance one on anniversary looking goggles for traders or a set like that you can purchase on a vendor and call it WORKING AS INTENDED Spectacles and in description you can say gives the crafter the ability to pay close attention for perfection. How about the no trade shared being added to a special back deposit section so we can stop dropping houses to drop the stuff only to have to pick them back up.


New member
New Collection for us badge whores, a set of lootable patches, one for each of the original Galaxies Classes. For example, Scout, Brawler, Etc. Items can be used to give the badge for the elder profession. They can be divided into the Novice Classes (Artisan, Brawler, Entertainer, Marksman, Medic, Scout), Elite Combat (Carbineer, Creature Handler, Fencer, Jedi, Polearm, Pistoleer, Ranger, Rifleman, TKM, 2-hander), Elite Non-Combat (Architect, Armorer, Chef, Dancer, Doctor, DE, image Designer, Merchant, Musician, Shipwright, Tailor, Weaponsmith), Hybrids (Bio-Engineer, Bounty Hunter, Combat Medic, Commando, Smuggler, Squad Leader). Each Sub Collection once completed grants a framed copy of the associated Badges, and ticks up a over-collection. Once the over-collection is complete, it could grant another elder prof decoration.


The helper monkey skill incubation is a mamian required pet type. However, a graul cannot apparently learn it despite it not only being a mamien but literally mutated from one. I think most would be in agreement that if a mamien can learn the skill a graul should also be able to learn it. ADDED

Zero effect on combat, grinding, mutations or incubation of any kind.


Now that we have a timer showing the cooldown of specials on our toolbar, can we extend the timers to show the cooldown on buff items (Serpent Shard, Murr Talisman, IG head, etc.)?


1655062829701.png Can we get this daily/weekly changed so that you only need to complete this task 4 times vs 5. That's a task most often is only obtained by official weekend wb events.


Spy should have their cloaking ability linked to their action bar. Once they run out of action, they decloak. If they travel with a GA officer who keeps their action up, they can stay cloaked. Or create a new cloak bar for spies similar to the old Jedi force bar. When the bar drains, the spy is revealed.


Well-known member
Since 16 man groups are a thing allow players to increase spawns beyond the 8 man cap which would increase wild/lair spawns.

Make Serotonin Boost/Cure affliction/Blood Clensers Baseline for medics.
Unlike the Area Revives PVE non-combat Area revive puts the PVP Area Revive on CD.
Rework the Lethal Aim Expertise (Change to Flat Crit and change the humanoid crit to ST Chance)
Rework the Medic Melee Line(Maybe change the melee line into a defensive line that can grant the medic bonuses such as CHR/GB/Evasion kinda how vanguard is ) or maybe new group buff abilities maybe stuff such as a CHR Medic Buff? Evasion one and possibly even stuff like Crit. there's a lot that can be done with the melee line that's useless and never used other then for memelols.

Change Legendary Daily into there own instance and after completing 5 you get a loot box that has boss loot from any of the bosses in that instance.

Add a Daily token system that can be used maybe to purchase stuff like a loot box that awards a random heroic augment.
Other boxes can be like a Random collection box.
Maybe even a random box for nyms starmap parts or convoy loot tables. etc you could add quite few things. even loot boxes that already exist. or maybe even a random heroic currency box.
maybe 1 token per daily completed.
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New member
Spy should have their cloaking ability linked to their action bar. Once they run out of action, they decloak. If they travel with a GA officer who keeps their action up, they can stay cloaked. Or create a new cloak bar for spies similar to the old Jedi force bar. When the bar drains, the spy is revealed.
I like the second option. more streamline so if someone is in cloak and wants to make an attack they have the action to do so, Where as with the first option they would have to worry about their action bar being almost empty and not being able to preform an attack


New member
1. Allow the Personal Launch Terminal, the one awarded for Secrets of the Syren, to take you to various starports around the galaxy.

2. Allow like camps to stack to 100. ADDED

3. Create an ITV that transports characters outside Mos Eisley Starport where new players spawn. This should help make it easier for players to travel to and from this major city and increase traffic. If it was easier to quickly get to Mos Eisley people might begin using this hub more. ADDED - ITV can be purchased with entertainer tokens, which can be used by all profs.

4. Create a special harvester only usable on Mustafar (this would be HUGE so traders would not need to stay out on Mustafar for weeks)
  • requires trader profession
  • takes 6 slots - limiting it to 1 per character
  • small storage capacity say 100,000 - must be emptied daily
  • doesn't need to collect any faster than a person could collect by hand

5. Add a Colosseum as a city perk to allow for the hosting of PVP and Beast War Events.

6. Add NPC citizens as a city perk (limited number) or allow a limited number story token items to become permanent or semi-permanent within a city (zoning rights required)

7. Allow the resizing of pictures and other house items. Not sure if this can be done.

8. Change Legendary Daily to be only 1 of the 8 man legendaries. ADDED

9. Allow dailies to update automatically so we don't need to return to the terminal to hand them in.

10. Add a fourth toolbar for buffs.


Add in all players can take bounty mission.

Separate all the legendary daily quests or changes daily goes on your account not character. Some player might have different role to play per legendary instance. ADDED - split up Legendary daily quests.

Add in allow player to hand sample in the pvp area of invasion with out going SF.

Add in bomb droid to get players that afk in a house to get place outside.

add in stim/injectier that can area serotonin boost, blood cleanser and cure affliction for none medics.
Add in to medic to get a area skill to medic.

add a item that allows all players to revive a player in combat.

add stim/items to allow any player to cloak out like a spy.


New member
Add the track creature ability to ease the hunt of creature resources since not all creatures can be taken as missions. (bring back the ranger!)

Allow factory crates of crafting components to stack to 1000 vs 100

Allow collection of Entertainer tokens from any cantina and not just Mos Eisley