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QoL Changes

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New member
Vanguard Shield Specialist 5 piece jewelry set please add a taunt (5 piece bonus) (most professions have 1 jewelry set that grants an ability) ADDED via 7pc


New member
what about bringing into game the 4m and 8m walls as they are available in the old republic facility in the room where you have the crate and the datapad? it would be awesome for deco. ADDED to Mustafar Token Vendor.


New member
would like to see swamp trooper armor possible get from invasions tokens/also blue schematic readers/a veritical tool bar


New member
Rework Smugglers Alliance pilot path. Personally, I think the SA path is the weakest of the nine paths thematically, and doesn't really fit with the other two neutral paths (what with them being cops an all, looking at you CorSec).
My suggestion is this. Add two or three new three squadron groups, one pirate set of factions, Black Sun, and split off the Jabba and Valarian from SA into their own squadrons. You could really play up the Jabba/Valarian rivalry through their storyline.
Second, move SA into a "merchant" set of factions with the Trade Federation, and say Imperial Logistics Divison, or something like Sei nar fleet systems Logisitics.
Third, fill the vacated SA freelancer squadron with something like the Spacers guild, which act as a sort of planetary space milita for hire.
Finally, the third set of three would be Fringers, like the Hidden Daggers and the Void whatevers (can't remember their name of the top of my head).


New member
Also, add in "civilian freighter" type ships for the "merchant" factions, with missions based around hauling cargo and making sales while fending off Raiders, rather than just go here kill these guys, go here again kill these other guys.
Biggest thing I'd like to see added, is the Star Viper starfighter. I loved the design of that thing ever since I saw one in Shadows of the Empire on the N64.


Well-known member
Since credits are a major issue atm and it's more then just a few. a couple of changes would help.

For Level 85+ Non Elite NPC's increase the credits looted by 300-500%
For Level 85+ Elite NPC's increase the credits Looted by 500-750%
For 85+ Gold Elites Increase it by 1000-1500%.

Most gold elites/Silvers drop almost no credits whatsoever and I mean almost none and they have to actually be hunted almost all require you to roam with a group 8+ or have long respawns.

What this change does is actually make anything towards 90 be worthwhile to roam/kill. for the amount of work and amount of cost on items, this would make it somewhat worthwhile.

Another option is instead of credits being shared on looted everyone gets the same amount. so if a mob drops 20k then everyone gets 20k. this would be an easy change I feel and make group play even more of a worthwhile effort.

Heck both options could be used by only increasing credits by elite=100%-200%-golds=200%-300% and non elites=50%-100%. and everyone gets the same amount..

A 3rd option is a Credit RLS that works on any mob 85+ as long as you are 80-90 then any mob that is 85+ you have a chance to maybe loot a new box that can award maybe 1m credit chip to 5m credit chip.

All I know is It seems unless you were present during the credit farm days you are stuck.

Otherwise, the only other option I see is upping payouts on heroics to a million credits and vice versa.

This is some Ideas that could work the first 3 would work great for ATK Players and gives everyone incentive to log in and form groups to go slaughter npcs and run more group content.


Well-known member
Add the disable cut screens option under the client setup like other servers.



I don't agree with this one. Rebels have their equivalent questline for the Arc-170 fighter. You would need to remove both, then I'd be ok with this QoL. What do you think?
I'm fine with the quest removal for both so that's fine by me


Well-known member
Change all Augs/Enhancers from Legendary heroics to be 226/26+ only. ADDED
Change All augs/enh from heroic bosses that drop to be 226/26+ only (received 3 augs in the last 2 days from bosses that were 211 Health/217 health/24 Crit) ADDED augs / enhancements removed from loot table to increase loot chance of other items.
Change Augments/Enhancers from areas such as Frosch bunker, Brotherhood cave, and any mobs that are 90+ to drop the same as elites? currently, there are lot 90's that drop 5-15 crits 12-150 health.
Redo the Heroic loot table (Change deco maybe to be a bonus item) allowing bosses to say drop an aug+deco or Like weapons/backpack+deco)


I'd really like to see tailors having the "bake-in" option to their shirts to be more in line with armorsmiths and weaponsmiths. ADDED


Interface and Buff options

I would like to see the ability to change the group buff/debuff Icons.

My main focused of interest is making debuffs easier to identify since most legendary content and hard mode content is geared more to debuffs and removing buffs from bosses and mobs.


Re Enhancement modules that have charges to eliminate the need to use one every loot item or pup. 10-20 charges depending on experimentation, as it works right now you have to install one and wait for the tool to register the module. Having a charge count will reduce the amount of down time for each buff cycle.


New member
In theory of the leftist agenda hand sampling forces us to leave computers running pulling more electricity adding to the harmful carbon emissions that cause global warming with temps that arent even record breakers when we didn't have carbon emissions. How about making some mustifar miniing droids that you can actually use to mine but they burrow and disappear and reappear when full and still take up slots. This would save the world from global warming that produces fires and causes epic cold hard freezes in states that never get them, if only we can get China and other countries to follow. How about making amazing success chance one on anniversary looking goggles for traders or a set like that you can purchase on a vendor and call it WORKING AS INTENDED Spectacles and in description you can say gives the crafter the ability to pay close attention for perfection. How about the no trade shared being added to a special back deposit section so we can stop dropping houses to drop the stuff only to have to pick them back up.


New member
New Collection for us badge whores, a set of lootable patches, one for each of the original Galaxies Classes. For example, Scout, Brawler, Etc. Items can be used to give the badge for the elder profession. They can be divided into the Novice Classes (Artisan, Brawler, Entertainer, Marksman, Medic, Scout), Elite Combat (Carbineer, Creature Handler, Fencer, Jedi, Polearm, Pistoleer, Ranger, Rifleman, TKM, 2-hander), Elite Non-Combat (Architect, Armorer, Chef, Dancer, Doctor, DE, image Designer, Merchant, Musician, Shipwright, Tailor, Weaponsmith), Hybrids (Bio-Engineer, Bounty Hunter, Combat Medic, Commando, Smuggler, Squad Leader). Each Sub Collection once completed grants a framed copy of the associated Badges, and ticks up a over-collection. Once the over-collection is complete, it could grant another elder prof decoration.
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