New Collection for us badge whores, a set of lootable patches, one for each of the original Galaxies Classes. For example, Scout, Brawler, Etc. Items can be used to give the badge for the elder profession. They can be divided into the Novice Classes (Artisan, Brawler, Entertainer, Marksman, Medic, Scout), Elite Combat (Carbineer, Creature Handler, Fencer, Jedi, Polearm, Pistoleer, Ranger, Rifleman, TKM, 2-hander), Elite Non-Combat (Architect, Armorer, Chef, Dancer, Doctor, DE, image Designer, Merchant, Musician, Shipwright, Tailor, Weaponsmith), Hybrids (Bio-Engineer, Bounty Hunter, Combat Medic, Commando, Smuggler, Squad Leader). Each Sub Collection once completed grants a framed copy of the associated Badges, and ticks up a over-collection. Once the over-collection is complete, it could grant another elder prof decoration.