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QoL Changes

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New member
Here is a handy QoL change for the Trader community....

Could we get mail notifications when players offer items to our vendor(s)? obviously this method being the current and only source of information is unreliable if not online, and easily missed even when there is a dedicated system message chat channel setup by the player (As I have done, but still find I miss these notifications). ADDED

Most crafters and general vendor traders I know keep track of their vendor sales via the in-game mail system, so to me it only makes sense this should work in the reverse if such development change is feasible.


New member
I’d like to see two hour med buffs for player cities with a med center laid down. I understand the logic in wanting buff bots posted up in ME but there are usually several there regardless. And I, as well as most others, would take my bot out of the buff house for a player in need. Thank you and god bless.

A frontman ability on par with guardian strike would also be cool. ADDED

Maybe clean up this thread too. No need to quote your whole post every time you add a line. Just edit it.


New member
Add a Blacklist/whitelist function to Vendor or to house with vendor which is forced public so that you can put up a Vendor just for certain grp (like whitelist guild only) so that it is none public or just to block ppl buying you out :).


New member
Change the values on the Juyo saber so that it's more akin to an Old Republic version of a polearm (so one dps point below 1h and 2h + remove con and change the str to 75). It's a fourth gen with a pitiable 5 con 5 str but still eight points below a same capped 5th gen polearm, making it not worth over a OR hilt that while 64 points below a fifth gen is made up for by the 75 str. Plus if someone prefers polearm sabers they have to sacrifice that by going either DSJ to justify using a fifth gen saber or not use polearms to use the 1h or 2h OR hilt. ADDED - new LS's with stats on par with Old Republic Lightsaber / 5th gen version.


New member
How about a Cold Heavy Weapon which not needs to gained by BF / Hoth farming. ADDED - many new heavy weapons added to Legendary instances.
In my opinion all basic Elements should have a default Weapon available with full range.
i mean we even got Dots which are rarely used like Energy which comes per default.
and since Cold actually is used in certain aspects there is no basic HW for it available.


New member
Increase the payout of Restuss Comms from the Missions, so its worth doing them .. Since the weapon prices increased by x4/5 missions are pointless at this rate. ADDED - all Restuss commendation quest rewards have been increased by x3


New member
Saber flurry being effected by jedi strike damage and jedi strike critical chance, allowing more versatile builds for LSJ. ADDED


New member
Remove unnecessary time sinks from the game. We aren't SOE who need to have paid monthly subs so lets change it up so they game is more fun. I'm not saying make it easy mode on everything but there are definitely some areas we can improve on.

1. Reduce the cost of resources for BM. We all know that BM was released late in the game and was a way to remove all those large stacks of resources people have. I know resource rates are increased from harvesting but that Profession resources need to have decent stats. It's not feasible for someone to make Pets at this point in the game and have them sit on the Bazaar but at the same time people use the bazaar to buy things. Not seeing them on there is an issue. ADDED reduced resource cost of BM components.

2. On BM consumables remove lower stat Iso's and Enzymes from the loot tables. Tweak the drop rates of the ones required so countless hours of afking isn't required.

3. Reverse engineering. Make the grind less of a grind. Increase the RE amount to 2. Decrease the grind and increase availability. Makes for more people to get geared for all the great events that are implemented. ADDED static spawns of "junkies" for RE loot.

4. Remove Action Augments from the loot tables. No one wants to use them generally so why have them there. Also remove lower tier ones. They are never used and just get deleted anyway so why?

5. Add an ability to the Trader 5piece that allows them to teleport to harvester locations. Or a quest series that allows them to get some sort of ITV equivalent item to set and travel to them. ADDED G9 Rigger Questline

6. Reduce the timer on the FoV. Increase the amount per account. Add a mini quest series or add to the RLS loot table or something. ADDED reduced CD.

7. Remove the restriction for the Entertainer Jewellery System regarding your account being excluded and possibly even the location. The issue currently is why would people want a buff from an Ent without the jewellery if one is operating in the ME Cantina. Even if they can watch with their own characters in a Buff house or whatever it's going to take a long time but it becomes an option for them.

8. On the RLS system whilst it is nice to see it implemented in game why couldn't it be the items are added instead. I'm not a big fan of RNG applied to RNG. Meaning the drop of the item is RNG based and then RNG is applied to the loot obtained. Like if there is a list of items added to the loot list like the WB for example and it's advertised what could drop, too me it is of more interest than to know I have the chance to loot a chest that will grant me an item I have no interest in.

9. Make the Theed invasion event a PVP area during the event. Mixing PVP and PVE content is tricky to keep balanced. If the area is being used as a PVP event it should be a PVP Zone during the event.

10. Remove the trooper drop in Restuss.


New member
+1 ^

I feel we need more travel options. G-9 Rigger among other ITV's would be a huge qol addition. Having an easily attainable 3 location ITV like the G-9 Rigger would make it easier for new people to gear up combats and traders. Both are lacking greatly here. ADDED Corellian G9 Rigger Freighter ITV via exclusive quest line.


New member
Tat -5136 4465 4 grand Krayts are missing. This has been a bug on every NGE server. 1 server put back in 1, another put back in all 4 after verifying my report. These were a static spawns and on a 30 minute timer. All other spaws (tuskens, low level reb/imps) are there. ADDED additional grant Krayt spawns.
Nearest SP Mos Espa
Live was all 4 on a 30 minute timer.


New member
Some things I can think of off the top of my head would be....

Change FM Set 'Enrage' to be a taunt to allow some actual tanking to be done. (Especially if jedi will have 2 taunts and an Area Taunt) ADDED

Consolidate tokens by doing away with Imp/Reb tokens (Just make GCW/Battlefield/Arena etc. Tokens like the Hoth tokens are)

Would also Like to see a little Love come to both the Mando & Jedi Expertise Tree's. Both Have MULTIPLE boxes that are essentially useless (Some ideas are changes to the grenade/rifle/remote detonator lines and possibly new abilities for jedi like the old enhancer/current vanguard buffs to be added in place of things like 'grace in motion, force throw boxes, forsake fear and cloud minds boxes). ADDED revised Commando expertise.


New member
Still on the set up for my LS jedi.

Since WoD is not in as yet, there is really no way to obtain a 6% crystal except RNG. In fact, RNG on top of RNG. (u may get a RLS, then u may get a sunriders). ADDED WoD Themepark.

WoD was a way for jedi, via live any way, to get their 6% crystals and then color was the option after that with RLS/etc.


New member
Lok Revenant Backpack
i'm not sure if there is any work or time consuming amount of work that goes into a backpack that is just for looks and that only have 50 items in it with absolutely 0 stats on them. i would propose to keep the item limit on the back pack to 50 items for an socket that will hold an exotic 3 stat mod. perhaps it would be a good balance since it would be a unique item. ADDED stats and the ability to rename.


New member
Npc on Talus / Nashal at wayp 4233 5152 used to be a very good junk loot spot for rapid respawn for us that need junk loot for RE - ADDED static "junkies" across the galaxy to farm RE junk loot.


New member
QoL Suggestion:

3rd order powerbits should work as a 1st 2nd or 3rd slot. Right now they only work as 1st or 3rd slot. This will allow an RE’r more flexibility when they don’t have the right amount of random 2nd order as a 3rd order conversion can be forced and used instead.


New member
QoL update for Crafters / resource sampling: Raise the Beast Knowledge Resource Scavenger bonus from 50% to 100%. ADDED - increased the scavenger bonus to 65%.
The above picture is a potential loot from Beyond's own RLS system, as I understand only obtainable from the Legendary Crate, the rarest of the 3 available option when a RLS Legendary Moment occurs.

As it stands, this particular Beast Knowledge cube merely provides a 50% bonus to resource scavenging, and while that's great.... so do capped crafted DE mining droids. Both provide 50% bonus, but both droid and Helper Monkey pet CANNOT be summoned at both times. There are arguments to be made here that allowing BM crafted pets and DE crafted droids could pose a combat imbalance, and in turn this likely prevent the possibility of opting towards changing this.

However, it seems sensible to instead request the helper monkey Resource Scavenge cube to instead be raised to the value you would gain if you were able to call your capped mining droid and resource helper monkey pet to maximize the bonus and take full advantage of this limited and challenging to obtain Legendary RLS loot item. As it stands now, its only 50% just like a crafted mining droid and both cannot be used at once due to combat imbalance threats, and as such this Legendary loot is utterly pointless because it provides the crafter the same bonus they could get from a DE mining droid for a few hundred thousand credits; not forgetting the fact BM pets will cost ten times that price just to get a pet that can accept a resource bonus you can currently get with a droid at a fraction of a cost.

Lets please make this limited resource bonus from RLS, for crafters, actually viable and worth our time to loot from a Legendary crate please. Thank you.


New member
The limit to receiving the full amount of the reward from mission terminals is something like 10 per day. I was led to believe that this was to prevent credit farmers back on live from well, farming credits. Could we get this lifted? Its nice to at least make some money if one is harvesting creature resources. ADDED increased cap to 20 missions per day.


Include Domestics Trader Factory Crate sizes to 100 instead of 25 please. ADDED

Update color palettes on all clothing to match the broader color palette for better customization of clothes.

Create a new Harvestor Droid to help cut down on server lag from macro hand sampling. This could have a 10k hopper and take 8 hours to fill before returning to the users datapad where you can then "empty the hopper" into inventory.

If the above isnt an option the creation of a Resource Vendor that could sell resources currently in spawn from planets where you can only obtain currently by hand sampling to sell in stacks of 10k for 1mil credits potentially. This would also create a credit sink as well as (DEV Love time) cut down on creation time since the servers already generate the resources in the games coding anyway :)

Make Harvestors accessible by all characters on the account and also full empty instead of the 100k stacks because well elites hold 4 times that after all hehe. ADDED


New member
I don’t know if this has been requested yet, speed up player city advancement and lower population requirements for city ranks.
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