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QoL Changes

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Junk Dealer:
  • Add color crystals, power crystals, and jedi robes (knight, apprentice, etc.) to the sell list.
  • Since they are very plentiful in drop chance, lower the price of the sale to something negligible (<1k credits).


New member
QOL Change Suggestions:

Inventory Interface Enhancement:

Request: Allow the selection of multiple inventory items to be dragged simultaneously. Allow this to be done via standard Ctrl + Click for individual selection and Shift + Click for range selection.

Reason: Significantly reduces the number of click + drag operations when setting up for doing a run of power bits. RSI avoidance :D

Domestic / Munition / Engineer - Expertise Change

Request: Move Deconstruction Techniques in the Expertise tree to the same page as that profession's [tailor/weapon/armor] Attachment Upgrade box. Suitable location is in the bottom row in the center.

Reason: Each of these main profession's sub professions can be capped for assembly, experimentation and resource quality with close to 24 points left over to have a suitable combat pet for a Trader/BM setup. An individual can choose to be Chef / BM or Tailor / BM or Armorsmith / BM etc... However, an individual that decides to do RE, instead of one of the main sub professions, is forced to use all but 14 points in their profession tree and general tree to ensure multi stat attachments and cap RE chance. The leftover points are not enough to make full use of a combat pet for and effective RE/BM combination.


New member
How about setting the 2 hr med buffs to all cantinas and/or med centers? Rather than just star ports.


Move the reverse engineering expertise box to tier 1 to allow better use of the BM expertise for traders.


New member
Musti Glowie buffs

These had been overlooked by SOE and made just about worthless due to killing the injector. All the glowies are about good for now is items. Talking with Mu'tar and I guess it's doable for having these buffs moved to their own buff group. That would allow for this content to be used, and farmed, again. ADDED new glowie combinations to Legendary CoM instance.

Content is content and mostly at the most there's 1 to any major stat, 100 to 1st stats with a few that does adds to a couple of the 1st stats (pre/str/ag/con/sta/str) so no1 is really going to be OP by the usage of these buffs.


Invasions QoL:

Recommended change to smuggler:
Current: Smuggler must find 10 sequences, then slice the terminal with the correct sequences in order to complete the mission.

Suggestion: remove the timer to complete the mission. No other profession's invasion mission require a time to complete, and there missions carryover to another invasion. E.g Munitions building a turret at dearic gets to 8/10 before build phase is completed. They can then go to the next invasion and construct 2 more pylons and get full credit for that mission.

The smuggler's role only effects crafter's tool construction, and all they have to do is find one sequence in order to produce the enhance modules for the crafters. But there is no larger reward for the smuggler who completes all 10 slices.


New member
I just had a thought. What would make a good longevity award? What would be a nice reward for a player that has been playing on a server for long period of time? What would make a good reward for a player whose characters all have everything they need? Perhaps an extra character slot? A chance to begin a new class that they don't currently have. Something to work for again? Wouldn't this make sense? This would be a great reward and thank you for being a loyal member of the community. It would not be, "Hey everyone here is another free slot more to come later." Nah I understand if you were to just increase the number of characters people would always want more but if it happened on a longevity premise if you played long enough on a server you could eventually earn an extra character to roam the galaxy with. Just a thought....


New member
couple small things

1st planetary maps i have a hard time with the default ones i found that the ones on legends were a lot easier to see might just be me
2nd thing this was just a thought and it might be a big pain but the launcher maybe have it save credentials so you don't have to type them every time you go to log in a new toon it makes crashing when playing multi toons kind of a pain :D

great work though guys keep it up thanks much


New member
Allow power ups of the same strength to stack, also allow the ability to split and stack the items. ADDED


Smokey said:
Allow power ups of the same strength to stack, also allow the ability to split and stack the items.

This but also include the power of the pup in the name. I/E: Glancing Blow Increase (6) or Healing Potency (13). ADDED


New member
Ground Improvements:
1. I'm sure this has been suggested; The ability to select multiple items in your inventory with shift+click, and drag them as a group.

2. Add 30k resource deeds to extremely rare drops on the OG heroics. OR as a drop on the new instance.

Space Improvements:
1.Adding a use to the many cargo vessels that exist for flavor; have some of them guarded by high-tier red enemies. Once the cargo ship is disabled, the ability to dock and pick up believable loot, I.e. Asteroid resources, agricultural resources that are out of spawn, rarely a spice or drug drop, space loot ETC.

2. Space above Mustafar with Trade Federation controlled areas??

3. Space world boss ( Pirate Correllian corvette with 10+ tier 5 gunboats guarding (black sun capital ships) , or maybe an EXTRA long escort mission with a squishy cargo vessel while tier 6 spawn in rapid waves.)


New member
ThetaTheta said:
2. Space above Mustafar with Trade Federation controlled areas??

3. Space world boss ( Pirate Correllian corvette with 10+ tier 5 gunboats guarding (black sun capital ships) , or maybe an EXTRA long escort mission with a squishy cargo vessel while tier 6 spawn in rapid waves.)

I like the idea of a Musty space zone, and a space world boss would be a good reason to go there. Your idea of scaled down piracy missions for asteroid resources could be another reason to go there as well.

One of the drawbacks to space is time.. launch time, hyper time, travel time.... So if there were a space world boss I think we would need to be able to get there quickly to keep the world-boss-killing-momentum up. Maybe when you kill a ground world boss you get an item. ITV to a space terminal, select your ship, click the item and it takes you straight to the space world boss area.

You would also need a space station nearby so when people go boom, they can jump back in right away.

As for a corvette, I personally would rather see a space world boss VIGO gunship. Or maybe attack a pirate controlled space station, which triggers the pirate to defend it in the VIGO....

However the details might play out, I like the concepts and would love to see more ideas along these lines.


Group Pickup Point:
  • Automatically store pets/familiars/vehicles when using a GPP (unrestricted [except combat] use like the ITV). ADDED
  • Follows the same logic as storing all pets/familiars/vehicles when calling an ITV. ADDED


New member
Veteran BARC Speeder

I believe this item should be tradable in Data Pad form. ADDED
A lot vehicles/mounts are tradable through data pad, it would make sense to have the BARC speeder in that list as well.


New member
I noticed that when I was getting my resources out of the harvesters, I can only retrieve them 100k at a time instead of all. The scroll bar limit needs to be removed. ADDED


Change the resource from generic steel to a named or even Mustafar steel for creature harvest modules for DE. Please and thank you


New member
Please reduce spawn timers of binayres on Talus, waypoint -1617 628. Its currently almost 5 mins and was 30 secs to one minute on live
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