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QoL Changes

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Entertainer Update:
  • Allow the 5piece buff (Lasting Performance) to be used anywhere in conjunction with the Giggledust Spice. ADDED
  • Also allow the Lasting Performance buff to be used at camps that have the entertainer module. ADDED
Trader Update:
  • Increase duration of auctions on player vendors from 30 days to 90 days. ADDED increased duration.
Original post has more: https://swgbeyond.com/viewtopic.php?p=831#p831


New member
Like everyone I'm sure, I have an excess supply of ISD & EK tokens, and always have a shortage of TK, IG & AM tokens.
Rebalance the token cost of Heroic Jewelry or add something to the vendor to use the extra ISD/EK tokens on.


While Legends is in many ways a barometer for how not to do certain things, there are some areas that they got right and I believe in credit where it is due.

On Legends, a player can speak to a chassis dealer at any major star port and purchase more ship slots on their data pad.

This is more than just a quality of life issue. It is a necessity for pilots especially now that I'm starting to see a few sprouts of PVP starting to pop through the surface.

Here is why;

A good pilot never settles on a single ship, although many have those they favor. Varying types of pvp call for varying types of load outs on a variety of platforms. For example, if I am facing off against terrible odds, maybe alone vs 3 or more other pilots, I may drop my preferred T/A load out and shift to an RGI or maybe a V-wing with chaff if am inundated by missile slingers.

If on the other hand, the odds are leaning in my favor I may shift to an Oppy or a heavy TIE to keep it fun for everyone.

Comparatively if someone wants to come up in a gunboat or POB I (and my team) may need the firepower of my defender.

Add to this the universal ships like JSF and ARC-170 and the list begins to grow quickly. Not to mention that Ace of Ace grinders keep loaded heavies in their datapad from other factions in the event that they want to grind another faction (again).

Because of the current limitations in datapad slots a pilot is limited to only a few options. This stymies variety and limits variables when facing opponents in pvp while also stunting flavor, choice and texture in pve.

Now I am profoundly leary of changes to JTL, especially after Legends put so much effort into screwing it up, but this is one area where there the change is all benefit and no drawback. I can think of no instance where this would cause any kind of problem and can list a myriad of ways it can improve JTL and the game as a whole. If the concern is POVs, and the items kept on them, that is easily remedied by maintaining a limited amount of those.

As an experienced pilot and Beyond enthusiast, I strongly recommend adding this change to the server for the benefit of all.

Questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms welcomed...... attacks will be met with searing flames :cool:


New member
Weapon crafting - Move the Ranged Augmentation, Ranged Enhancement & Weapon Power Bit from the Advanced Weapon Core crafting stage to the final weapon assembly stage. Really sucks to throw away components because of a bad roll during experimentation phase. ADDED Weapon Core Enhancement Retrofit Tool and Weapon Core Augmentation Retrofit Tool to Trader vendor.


This is going to sound kinda weird,

Make the inventory button on the interface screen opaque to the world.

The small square button that we click on to get to our inventory, datapad, planetary map and other menus. It is nightmarish running through hydro refining in a house with other items in it clicking that button and having any number of items open or target or pop up a screen. In heroics and other combat related instances it can cause an accidental attack just by trying to get to one's inventory.

I don't know what it will take or if it's even possible but change that button so that it doesn't register to the rest of the world.


  • Allow the smuggler's junk dealer to be usable for all players. ADDED
  • Currently, you MUST be in the group in order to use the smuggler's junk dealer.


Make Structural Module Crates stack in 1k instead of the 100 as is you would not be able to fully load your factory to do a full 1k run of wall modules (which I am burning thru like mad with the awesome influx of players coming to the best damn server there is)


New member
Considering the time invested, can we get stats on the Chiss Poacher Backpack, and the Lok Revenant Backpack? ADDED Legendary Chiss Poacher Backpack, with stats.


Make recycler parts stack.

Pulverizer, Spinner Blade, Small Power Motor, Agitator Motor, Cheap Coppery Battery, Processor Attachments, Heating Element, Red Wiring, Blue Wiring.

Please and Thank You very very kindly


New member
Well with all the changes made you guys are on the right track. One thing I think would improve the game and the server is 16 man groups. If we could include more people in groups it would help new people lower gear be included more often. I remember the group sizes being larger in pre cu it was so fun. I hate the fact that soe made group sizes 8 think it turned groups into elite driven groups. ADDED group sizes increased to 16 players.


New member
was wondering if the tool bar buttons could be locked so that the skills you put in them cant be moved. I keep dragging skills off of tool bar. maybe lock buttons when tool bar location is locked in place. just a idea. ADDED lock option in client options.


New member
Hey so I have an idea here for what could be done to be able to make cities more factional decorable!
Ive been playing and fiddling with the storyteller token system since live, but it kind of sucks having to replace everything every 12 hours. So I was thinking about how to make it so you could make that permanent or something, I guess that will be hard due to server lag if people go crazy with it. But then it dawned on me, what if ya add stuff like that into city decorations, when a city declares faction and regional defender, to add in stuff like that as a bonus for doing so. It kind of makes sence also that if a city is regional defender that it should have a military garrison posted there. Im thinking like parks and stuff like that, for instance u could make a landing pad with a lambda / rebel transport, defending walls, guard towers etc stuff like that, most of those things are already ingame, think invasion build phase. Make em craftable for structure traders maybe. That way we could get that city faction decoration stuff weve wanted for such a long time ! Cause who wouldnt want to surround their city with walls with banners and guard towers at the entrances , have a landing strip of tie fighters next to the hq etc etc, I think that would be something really cool!!!!!


GCW Rank Weapons:
  • Add melee weapons (polearm, 1h, 2h, unarmed) to the General rank for both factions. Makes no sense how there are every other type of weapon.


New member
Player placed bases and what was promised when the NGE took them away from us. We got the first look at this at the community summit in Atlanta in 2006. Some of this stuff was built and coded and never implemented,

New and Improved GCW Bases

• All new player-placed PvP Galactic Civil War bases

• Brand new heavy weapon emplacements that all players can use to defend the bases

• E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster

• Mortar Emplacements

• Various manned turrets

• And more!

• Exciting new interior puzzles and obstacles to overcome

• All new base destruction dynamic with Officer-specific activity sets

More Heavy Weapons. ADDED via Legendary Heroic instances.

• Players will be able to place and man new fixed heavy weapon emplacements, such as the E-Web.

• Enhance grenades and other items to use the heavy weapon targeting system.



New member
Can we get No Trade removed from the cloud city shelves? I have the lamp which is also a component for the house and it is not listed as no trade. ADDED


New member
Allow medic's wearing the Striker's set to provide full 2 hour buffs, rather than 1.5 hour, without needing to be in a starport or cantina. Not sure exactly how this was done on Legends, but it is convenient.

As we get more ITV's (ie: cloud car) from RLS drops, it seems like an unnecessary step to go to ME to get med buffs, then travel back home to use ITV. ADDED


New member
Can we get left and right added to the descriptions of the BH armor pieces used to make mando armor. Both the bracers and the biceps. Currently the only way to tell the difference is to drop them in your house and see if they land on two different sides. ADDED


New member
How about adding to the time schedule of /claim? 2 -3 months and you get to pick another as it was on live. Don't really need to add to, just get to pick another reward.
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