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QoL Changes

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Well-known member
Add a new Weapon core for all 3 types Melee/Heavy/Ranged that makes a weapon Level 5-17.

Change Weaponsmithing crafting and combine the minimum/maximum damage to just be one roll allowing to capweapons slightly easier instead of going through dozens of schematics for one cap. this would benefit the community in a whole. this would also be merged maybe for the skins as well otherwise just cores. please simplify as it stands going through dozens of cores per weapon to not have a chance at capping even with the 7 piece set is rough.


Well-known member
Fix the Allya Exile Crystal Color. ADDED

Make GCW/GCW2 Tokens no trade shared. or an NPC that can convert them to the opposite faction token.
Make Musty Tokens No Trade Shared.
Make GCW Patches No Trade Shared. ADDED
Make All Event Tokens No Trade Shared.


Roll back the space GCW2 Changes. The changes made virtually decimated the space population of players. While something needed to be done, it should be reconsidered at least. ADDED

Restore station GCW token gain. The players in stations are actively shooting and participating should be rewarded. If the player in said station does not shoot or actively participate, receives nothing. This change all but removed POB ships from being used in the game with exception to faction grinding.


Active member
Create an Officer Stim Vendor - Eisley Starport, World boss camps, Aurillia, PvP static bases, Restuss faction bases. ADDED Officer Stim Vendor to Mos Eisley SP.
Make Crafting stations a toggle from radial menu to get crafting station buff to fix lightsaber crafting - one buff only
Make friendly combat NPC's untargetable(white mob instead of yellow) - TK friendly NPC's, Droid Army miners


New member
Allow Jackets to be concidered a chest armour exotic slot piece for RE powerups to be used. Not everyone has access to a AS to make them numerous chest pieces for different RE requirements


New member
Remove No Trade Shared from trader jewelry sets - Traders have the only jewelry sets that have this limitation. ADDED - trader jewelry sets are now tradeable. Add a jewelry box that I could place all my fancy jewelry in. You could make it like the token boxes so it would not eat up my inventory space. You could also make these new jewelry boxes No Trade Shared - so players could trade them amongst thier characters using the transmitter already in game. Pwease!


New member
Is there a way to make the World Boss Loot Chest dyeable? It would be nice to be able to change the color of these to fit the motif of our homes.


Active member
Add a device that can change the name of a player crafted weapon. ADDED new tool to rename crafted clothing, armor and weapons.


Active member
add junk loot to droid army enemies (droid junk loot is low on server to find and is used for a lot of RE purposes) this would give more purpose to running Droid Army/Mustafar content. ADDED


New member
Add the level 40 Acolyte robes and level 60 apprentice robes to the force shrines as well, thus allowing jedi to get the other two robes as they level up since the knight robes are level 80.
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