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QoL Changes

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Active member
- The Frontman's enrage need a buff. Currently it doesn't do much of anything (if that). Its so weak that you can only pull off a commando wearing juggernaut for a second and ping ponging agro (never mind higher dps classes). It's not worth the spot on the tool bar atm.

- Nerf its sweep, its far over powered. (Without berserk on) Lower its pull to about the same amount as the jedi's guardian sweep and give it a single target taunt.


New member
One of 2 things regarding OG's

4-man versions of the OG Heroics with some kind of concession (less credits, reduced loot chance) but still granting a token, to allow for more groups to get off the ground and get more jewelry


Hard Mode 4 man versions of OG's, this would incentivize geared players to revisit that content and help get more groups going.

While TKHM does exist already, it requires a 16 man group and does not happen very often.

and while yes, people also underman OG's as they currently are, it's with bots.

Could be a fun way to incentivize heroics and add to the content pool at the entry to mid level.


New member
How about an option to make the Health and Action bar backgrounds white like the old pre-CU HAM bars were, would make life easier for those of us who can't really see red on a black background.


Active member
Something to make 35's not be such a major chore to make. Not suggesting it to be stupid easy, but something to cut back the amount of time spent on these. I don't know how the code works or what is possible but maybe a slight bump in the re-enhance modules to give a chance at being bumped up 2 numbers at a time instead of 1? ADDED RE jewelry set.


New member
Change the pilot bracelets to +5 space loot chance. The current +1 is so neglectable that one could actually argue they have no effect at all. Additionally, this would bring them in line with the collection/crystal bonuses available to pilots.

The bonus could be changed to +50 and 99.95% of loot would still be useless lol. It's all a RNG game...
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