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QoL Changes

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New member
I read that brain module factory crate size was increased from 25 to 100. Can we get that applied to brain module MK1 factory crates? The size is 25 and they are needed for MK1 Droid Interfaces. ADDED - all droid components crate size increased to 100.


I’d like to suggest that the icon for the ability sneak, for spy, be made to stay still on our buff bars at all times like other buff icons. It’s causing me to remove other buffs constantly and sets me back a lot especially if I’m in a heroic run and remove my ent buff accidentally bcuz the other buff icons don’t stay still.
when an officer is in a group there constant moving buffs also constantly move the sneak buff icon around with it. So if you want to remove cloak(sneak) before the timer is up there’s a very good chance to accidentally remove other buffs like an entertainer buff or medic buff or other buffs that can’t be gotten back if your in a group with anyone profession with moving buff icons on the buff bar.
All I’dlike is to see the icon to stay permanently still


-Bring the Protective Liquid Coating drop rate down to equal with the Binary Liquids.
-Currently drop rate is the same as live so PLCs have about 2x lower drop rate than Bls


-Bring down Modified Binary Liquid drop rates because it’s even more extreme drop rate than the regular liquids are.. comparatively to the modified PLCs

I want them to be difficult to find but let’s lower it just a bit so we all can start seeing this new amazing armors and new JPs y’all have designed.
Possibly more importantly so we can show the new stuff off with social media whcih will bring in alot of people. I know my post about the release of the armor set social media off in a great way. Got a lot of interest. Being able to show actual players with the new stuff would make a large social media impact which in turn means more people coming here


New member
We have the notification on discord when a group completes a Heroic/Legendary/WB/Musty Stuff/etc..

Lets give pilots some recognition too. How about a notification when a pilot Ace is earned, or an Ace of Aces is earned, or even a convoy is completed as that is the pilots end-game stuff? Maybe a notification when a gunboat is earned as those are really really time consuming?

Just a random thought...


Active member
Add a droid that will show resource concentrations on a single planet for a single resource (in aide of hand sampling/placing harvesters). Have a 30 minute activation (30mins to get the results), and a 1-2 hour cool down before you can use another droid.


Please make the WB collection ITv useable in any zone including cities. It’s alot of work to get all 4 pieces of the collection with only one destination on it.. i think It needs something extra to be worth that amount of effort. ADDED


Active member
Can we get pet mounts fixed to be allowed to be pulled out after combat immediately like vehicles. also there must be a size issue with them as they cannot fit through many archways that all vehicles can fit through.


Make regular mission terminals a craftable component in Camps. This would be useful in creature slayer collections where there are no player cities nearby. It would also benefit those who gather creature resources the old fashion way.


Well-known member
Add the Earring box to HM-Map Boss not the box at a lower drop rate maybe %5 which is lower than everything else.
Add Legendary Aug/Enhancer to HM-Map Boss random one at 100%.
Add a Hardmode Map Box similar to legendary/heroic boxes with CoM/HM Map loot to the hardmode maps as a random chance for the group.

Add Additional loot to the HM Map Boxes such as perfect pearls and, a chance at another HM map.
Or instead of an actual HM Map a chance at a CoM treasure room map that's one time that calls a shuttle anywhere when used that can take you to there. once the box is looted the shuttle departs.

Add the CoM treasure room to Avatar or a version of it After the wookies depart a new shuttle comes in that takes you to the arena side of the ISD Instance with a new boss may be a trando slave boss that can drop earrings etc. and the CoM side area of loot.


New member
Can you rename Asteroid Bandits to something without 'asteroid' in like Mining Bandits or something? The name messes up my simple target/follow macro when mining... ADDED


Active member
Make all weapons from the world boss collections 2% instead of 1%. Getting the collections pieces takes a while with the rng of other collection pieces and loot (when a world boss moment happens). With it being a grind to get the right collection pieces, it should be a 2% weapon. ADDED


Well-known member
Change the Deadeye set to be less trash.

Some ideas are.

Change the set to reduce all action cost by 25%.
5/10/15/20/23% To reset any of the ranged/melee abilities ( Not AOES like grenades as hell-storm covers this) 3 piece to 7 piece
5 to 25% to free shot shot reducing cost in action to 0.
Keep the advanced paint target ability on the 7PC only.

this would give a set for Single Target Resets that makes the set less crappy.


New member
Unlock house/city building structures to be placed on any habitable planets. IE a corellian building could be placed on tatooine


Allow Modified Binary Liquids to be looted in more than just one inatance/place/person. Add them to other instances or add them to Hard mode maps idc but something needs to be adjusted

As of right now obtaining the new “Mando Armor” is, no pun intended, wayyy BEYOND more than difficult a process than the difficulty of the world bosses were when they were first added the Gorgilla. Most stopped coming bcuz it stopped being fun and it was near impossible. Not worth the effort it took… so it was toned down..

We all know the drop rate of the mod BL is ridiculous and will not work for a server with this small a population…

It’s like we keep adding more and more stuff hoping to bring more people in to the server and basing the difficulties off the dreams of more people coming here… how about we make stuff rdy to play for the current population… then we can adjust if it ever goes up or down..?.?.?.?.?
Hopefully the population does grow and the armors materials drop rates can be toned back down,after that happens… but until then it needs to be toned up^^^ for the current population that currently plays and pays for this server and it’s content
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