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QoL Changes


New member
New Mods added to the Legendary heroics vendor need changing:

All values appear to be set to a value of 1%. This is an unviable alternative to the standard mods currently available such as weapon crit (3%) and weapon damage (2%) ect.
Advise to increase force electric damage mod from 1% to 2%.
Increase Officer AoE damage mod from 1% to 2%.
Blaster burst/razor Slash damage from 1% to 4%.
Lethal beam damage from 1% to 4% damage. Rework lethal beam damage as it currently does slightly less damage than focus beam and is on a 15s CD with 400 action burn compared to Focus beams 6s cd. Advise to remove the action burn as this is ineffective and increase the base damage on lethal beam so it does more than focus beam.

Additional Commando changes:

Remote detonator is extremely buggy and often cannot be detonated, recommend to change it to explode on 4s delay similar to officers core bomb or have it trigger on proximity like a hx2 mine.
Most of the grenadier expertise line is not viable even for grenadier rifleman spec.
Sweeping fire attack is slightly too weak for rifleman spec.
Rifleman Commando spec overall too weak an alternative to heavy weapons although has higher ease of use.
Rip the bandate off and allow heavy weapons commando to throw grenades without swapping to a rifle - workaround auto cancel auto attack when throwing grenades. This frees up a slot on the toolbar as well.
Devastation chance unlinked from position secured line.
Position secured line provides additional defense to the commando and group. AoE defense moved and added to position secured line.
Fuel cannisters revised - action cost reduction is very poor for a final tier expertise box, should be changed to devastation chance or focus beam/lethal beam damage increase.
Strongarm - grenadier tree allows throwing grenades with a heavy weapon without cancelling the auto attack. Increase range of grenades.
heavy weapon shotguns - less range but higher dps than heavy weapons or same range but single target with higher dps.
New kinetic elemental proc - causes internal bleed DoT or alternative causes concussive root that removes 20% block/parry/evasion/dodge for 3s.
New energy elemental proc - causes additional elemental damage 1 hit.
Devastation chance added to entertainer buff options - Strikethrough not as viable to commando.
Commando run ability - currently the class is unable to break a basic snare and needs kill meter points for a very poor movement boost, advise double time to break basic snares and roots and gives slighly more movement speed.

Jedi Changes:

Force electrical damage can be made into a power up.
Jedi force slicing - allows jedi to slice force specific items such as their lightsabers.
More jedi/sith appearance items - there is currently very little choice for outfits and robes especially headwear - especially for male characters.
Jedi lack of range is their main detriment to the class in large group PvP - advise revison to the range of abilities.
Force shockwave moved to the profession tree - shockwave damage in expertise tree adjusted to either be much higher or move the skill box to earlier in the skill tree.
Force choke should root the target.
Range attacks added to LSJ - telekinesis and force pull.

PvP Changes:

Classes either need improved or added defensive cooldowns and an increase to overall hitpoints. Case in point in a standing duel between 2 DSJ the fight is over even while saber block is still active. So saber block wont even allow you to survive that well in a 1 vs 1 scenario let alone against multiple targets. Probably need significant increase to overall hitpoints by around 5k+ and improvements to all def cd's plus additional def cd's for all classes to make any fights last.


Well-known member
New Mods added to the Legendary heroics vendor need changing:

All values appear to be set to a value of 1%. This is an unviable alternative to the standard mods currently available such as weapon crit (3%) and weapon damage (2%) ect.
Advise to increase force electric damage mod from 1% to 2%.
Increase Officer AoE damage mod from 1% to 2%.
Blaster burst/razor Slash damage from 1% to 4%.
Lethal beam damage from 1% to 4% damage. Rework lethal beam damage as it currently does slightly less damage than focus beam and is on a 15s CD with 400 action burn compared to Focus beams 6s cd. Advise to remove the action burn as this is ineffective and increase the base damage on lethal beam so it does more than focus beam.

Additional Commando changes:

Remote detonator is extremely buggy and often cannot be detonated, recommend to change it to explode on 4s delay similar to officers core bomb or have it trigger on proximity like a hx2 mine.
Most of the grenadier expertise line is not viable even for grenadier rifleman spec.
Sweeping fire attack is slightly too weak for rifleman spec.
Rifleman Commando spec overall too weak an alternative to heavy weapons although has higher ease of use.
Rip the bandate off and allow heavy weapons commando to throw grenades without swapping to a rifle - workaround auto cancel auto attack when throwing grenades. This frees up a slot on the toolbar as well.
Devastation chance unlinked from position secured line.
Position secured line provides additional defense to the commando and group. AoE defense moved and added to position secured line.
Fuel cannisters revised - action cost reduction is very poor for a final tier expertise box, should be changed to devastation chance or focus beam/lethal beam damage increase.
Strongarm - grenadier tree allows throwing grenades with a heavy weapon without cancelling the auto attack. Increase range of grenades.
heavy weapon shotguns - less range but higher dps than heavy weapons or same range but single target with higher dps.
New kinetic elemental proc - causes internal bleed DoT or alternative causes concussive root that removes 20% block/parry/evasion/dodge for 3s.
New energy elemental proc - causes additional elemental damage 1 hit.
Devastation chance added to entertainer buff options - Strikethrough not as viable to commando.
Commando run ability - currently the class is unable to break a basic snare and needs kill meter points for a very poor movement boost, advise double time to break basic snares and roots and gives slighly more movement speed.

Jedi Changes:

Force electrical damage can be made into a power up.
Jedi force slicing - allows jedi to slice force specific items such as their lightsabers.
More jedi/sith appearance items - there is currently very little choice for outfits and robes especially headwear - especially for male characters.
Jedi lack of range is their main detriment to the class in large group PvP - advise revison to the range of abilities.
Force shockwave moved to the profession tree - shockwave damage in expertise tree adjusted to either be much higher or move the skill box to earlier in the skill tree.
Force choke should root the target.
Range attacks added to LSJ - telekinesis and force pull.

PvP Changes:

Classes either need improved or added defensive cooldowns and an increase to overall hitpoints. Case in point in a standing duel between 2 DSJ the fight is over even while saber block is still active. So saber block wont even allow you to survive that well in a 1 vs 1 scenario let alone against multiple targets. Probably need significant increase to overall hitpoints by around 5k+ and improvements to all def cd's plus additional def cd's for all classes to make any fights last.
2% isnt enough if normal damage is 3% on exotics then i think this need to be 3% or better 4%. no way its worth 2% for 3 tokens LOL.

You have to take into account Carbine dmg Or weapon dmges is 3% and effects everything but AOEs. this cost 3 legendary tokens unless its 3 or 4% isnt worth it and if you can't Powerup it...its still not worth 3 tokens. this shit takes effort regular mods that give us 3% dont. again all mods need 4% AOE on grenades is to weak to be 2% . Crit mod needs to be 4-5% we can already hit 90% to 94% crit on beyond with all the added buffs

Not sure about buffing DSJ/LSJ more with abilities better off with again a 3rd Support/Healer role.. staff dropped the ball by not adding it with this current update it would of fit perfectly. instead they shafted classes on BM. and made them weaker due to the point cost now.

Also commando on remote detonator bugs only when you use the mine might be a possible fix there? i still vote for making it a 2 ability skill one to place the mine another to detonate any you placed allowing a commando to place multiple over time to blow up.


Allow Beast Encoder and Replicators to replicate creatures again. Many used the stuffed pets it created in the past for home decoration. Sometimes it would create a duplicate pet in the player's datapad that is "no trade" and does not give the player any advantage over another player in any way.


Well-known member
Add Dwarf Bantha and and Domestic Eopie mission lairs (as it stands we have no way to gain the domestic milk unless you are lucky to find a random spawn which is rare this would help the Chef Community as we recently had a good/decent spawn and theres no creatures for it other than using a 30k deed which are now rare due to staff removing RLS from world bosses which only hurt the server more as now no one wants to really run the bosses)


Add Dwarf Bantha and and Domestic Eopie mission lairs (as it stands we have no way to gain the domestic milk unless you are lucky to find a random spawn which is rare this would help the Chef Community as we recently had a good/decent spawn and theres no creatures for it other than using a 30k deed which are now rare due to staff removing RLS from world bosses which only hurt the server more as now no one wants to really run the bosses)
Yeah, but you can just hand sample the milk using the all-in-one survey tool, which is way easier than milking creatures.


Well-known member
Add the missing Jedi/Sith Enclave Deco that was added on live by default to structures from https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Hotfix_19.17

Structure Trader​

  • There are 4 tables available for crafting from the Jedi/Sith Enclave.
  • You can now craft a Tapestry Pole at level 70.
  • Added furniture from the Jedi and Sith enclave.

Domestics Trader​

  • You can now craft Synthetic Bait at level 70.
  • You can now craft Jedi and Sith banners at level 70.
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Well-known member
So on Prophecy i was working with Iosnowore when he was a Dev still to make a change to weapons this would benefit weaponsmith here greatly. Armorsmith has it i think it's time to finally add it to weaponsmith. it has no effect besides taking the RNG grind out by 50%. while i think the trader device for WS was a decent change it was just a bandaid fix that really isn't any help and just a slap to the face. more so when how rare 290+/38+ Aug/Enh are 9/10 times you don't cap the core than you have to pray you cap the skin.

Weaponsmith Changes

Move the Augment/Enhancer/Power Bit onto the weaponskin it's self. (i know this is not a hard change as i coded part of it myself back on prophecy when i was QA and learning how to code within the game)

Change the Augment/Enhancer Pulling item into making it so they pull augments/Enhancers out of old weapons for players who may wanna re-use them if unused for alts. but keeping its effect for cores as well. for anyone with old cores.

What this would do is remove the Core aspect of RNG but keeping it on the skin as optional for all 3 kinda how the Chest mod bit is for armorsmith it's an optional item. this would make it so we have no bullcrap RNG on the weapons but the skin still keeps some RNG. this alone helps the community as it is stressful to make weapons for players and then you get bitched at because it did not cap.


So on Prophecy i was working with Iosnowore when he was a Dev still to make a change to weapons this would benefit weaponsmith here greatly. Armorsmith has it i think it's time to finally add it to weaponsmith. it has no effect besides taking the RNG grind out by 50%. while i think the trader device for WS was a decent change it was just a bandaid fix that really isn't any help and just a slap to the face. more so when how rare 290+/38+ Aug/Enh are 9/10 times you don't cap the core than you have to pray you cap the skin.

Weaponsmith Changes

Move the Augment/Enhancer/Power Bit onto the weaponskin it's self. (i know this is not a hard change as i coded part of it myself back on prophecy when i was QA and learning how to code within the game)

Change the Augment/Enhancer Pulling item into making it so they pull augments/Enhancers out of old weapons for players who may wanna re-use them if unused for alts. but keeping its effect for cores as well. for anyone with old cores.

What this would do is remove the Core aspect of RNG but keeping it on the skin as optional for all 3 kinda how the Chest mod bit is for armorsmith it's an optional item. this would make it so we have no bullcrap RNG on the weapons but the skin still keeps some RNG. this alone helps the community as it is stressful to make weapons for players and then you get bitched at because it did not cap.
Yes please!