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QoL Changes

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Active member
Go through RLS Box Rewards and remove certain items that are agreed to be not rare. ie: legendary dc-15 carbine from RLS 1, which is obtainable from legendary avatar.
Also go back to RLS series 1 boxes or create a new third series that has best of both.


Well-known member
Increase the Minium amount on a bounty when deathblowing from 2,500 credits to maybe 10,000 to 15,000 to incentive more pvp and hunting!


  • Make macros automatically sort alphabetically. ADDED
  • Make macros update automatically across all clients open so when you close one client, it doesn't overwrite the others, etc.
  • Allow speeders to be repaired at flashpoint load-in area. ADDED
  • Disable Restuss NPCs and dropships during FnF. Maybe use an invisible trigger that a CSR can toggle.
  • Fix Area Heal over Time particles (When a medic uses an AOE heal it repeats the particle once for every single player within 45 meters - so with 100 people standing around and someone with the AoE HoT on Macro it was sending 10 (number of HoT targets) * 100 (number of players) = 1000 particle effects at once.) ADDED
  • Fix Colonel Legendary buff (stacks repeatedly and causes significant particle effects (same code as HoT effects). ADDED


New member
Make Flashpoint Commendations 'No Trade Shared'. ADDED
Currently these tokens are 'No Trade' - the flashpoints already have a one toon per account barrier around them. With players having access to seven character slots, I believe these tokens should be cumulative rather than individual


Active member
-Auto Delete GPP waypoints
-Make Chronicle tokens no trade shared
-Either Add a Starport Terminal at the exit point of CoM/Hk-47 or move the exit points to the Front Steps of Mensix. ADDED
-Add a Permanent Vehicle Customization tool to the trader vendor (the tool can have uses but make it so the color doesn't fade away)
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