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QoL Changes


Well-known member
Increase the Minium amount on a bounty when deathblowing from 2,500 credits to maybe 10,000 to 15,000 to incentive more pvp and hunting!


  • Make macros automatically sort alphabetically.
  • Make macros update automatically across all clients open so when you close one client, it doesn't overwrite the others, etc.
  • Allow speeders to be repaired at flashpoint load-in area.
  • Disable Restuss NPCs and dropships during FnF. Maybe use an invisible trigger that a CSR can toggle.
  • Fix Area Heal over Time particles (When a medic uses an AOE heal it repeats the particle once for every single player within 45 meters - so with 100 people standing around and someone with the AoE HoT on Macro it was sending 10 (number of HoT targets) * 100 (number of players) = 1000 particle effects at once.)
  • Fix Colonel Legendary buff (stacks repeatedly and causes significant particle effects (same code as HoT effects).
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New member
Make Flashpoint Commendations 'No Trade Shared'. ADDED
Currently these tokens are 'No Trade' - the flashpoints already have a one toon per account barrier around them. With players having access to seven character slots, I believe these tokens should be cumulative rather than individual


Active member
-Auto Delete GPP waypoints
-Make Chronicle tokens no trade shared
-Either Add a Starport Terminal at the exit point of CoM/Hk-47 or move the exit points to the Front Steps of Mensix
-Add a Permanent Vehicle Customization tool to the trader vendor (the tool can have uses but make it so the color doesn't fade away)


Add an option in the interface where when you go into combat, it automatically hides all player Titles, Guilds, etc., and ONLY shows the player name. By doing this, it significantly improves FPS during large-scale pvp. ADDED


A long time ago, we made the factory crates of crafted items have an increased stack limit (I/E: simple shirt = 100). However, the short-sleeved shirts came out at 25.


Well-known member
Make slave collars great again.

Make them allow you to propose to another player much like ring/bands.


Well-known member
With the massive influx of players and more coming. can we please bump the RE Set buff from 2 minutes to 10? so it is easier to make 35s etc i dont see issue making the buff last 10min


Well-known member
QOL List.

Add a new Ability to toggle loot options on/off Named Custom Loot Toggle.

The New Ability allows you to turn loot on or off from being looted same method as chronicle loot toggle. when the options are toggled they will either be ON/OFF beside the option. works the same as chronicle loot toggle everyone in group must have them toggled to work.

  • Enhancements.
  • Augmentations.
  • Stat Loot.
  • Junk Loot.
  • Deco Collection Pieces ( Gong/rug/table/statue ).
  • Looted Weapons.
  • Deco.
  • Jedi Items. ( Jed Robes and Crystals )
  • Collections.
  • Stims.

GCW Flashpoints/Battlefields (Not counted for /dueling )

Add GCW Comms into GCW Flashpoints @ 50% of the rate.
Add GCW Comms into Battlefields @ 50% of the rate.

  • Add Heroic Earring box for 10 Spiderclan tokens.
  • Allow Experimentation/BM Exotics to be Sliced,
  • Make the Entertainer Books No Trade Shared.
  • Make GCW Invasion/GCW2/Flashpoint Tokens No Trade Shared. (BF and almost every other token are shared these should be too)
  • Add a RE/luck Food +3 RE Chance/300 Luck.
  • Add an XP Bonus Food much iike how we have the XP Spice add a food version that can be unlocked maybe a schematic for flashpoint tokens.?
  • Add a bonus for Underworld Faction Points/Modules into the rotation of bonuses like during Heroic/XP Bonuses!
  • Add a Stated Marine Armor Backpack 75 Slots for GCW Flashpoint Tokens. (Could be stats of a rucksack but comes with option of having a exotic like rebreathers. having HP/GB/Dodge/Parry/Weapon Damages +1 even +1 Amazing success and other crafter options on craft would need to have schematics for each type but this would be a cool idea to add)
  • Make Helper Monkey Abilities learnable by any pet type/species (there super hard to get i do not see reason we cant use them on any pet.
  • Remove GCW Gain from targets in /duel


Well-known member
Make the Smuggler Slice comps Stackable.
Make Mod Bits Stackable.
Make Smuggler Slice tools stackable..
Boost powerup stacks above 1000? maybe 5k? like junk loot.