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QoL Changes

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New Weapon Addition Ideas

-beskar spear
-beskar forge hammer
Mandalorian Axe(used by Ap’Len, knight of ren)
-amban sniper rifle(the Mandalorians rifle)
-dc17m carbine
-dc15s pistol
-Dc15a rifle
-z6 riot control baton
-e11d rifle(death trooper rifle)
-a whole line of force infused melee weapons(old republic era)
-westar pistols
-cr2 heavy blaster
-a280-cfe rifle
-valley 38x rifle
-a180(pistol, carbine, and rifle)
-make multiple new weapon sets that coordinate with all different armor styles and backpacks
*edit* if any of these weapons are already in game pls lmk


Nightsister & Singing Mountain Clan City Decoration Vendor Rewards Request

As above says this is a request to make the decoration rewards, off the NS and SMC reward vendors, to be able to be dropped and used outside in player cities as decoration. All the following items already state in their descriptions(seen here) they are for use in city decorations and they’re so large they seem to have been made with that intention but they just aren’t currently useable here.
-Nightsister style Gate
-Nightsisters Tower
-Singing Mountain Clan Trilithon
-Singing Mountain Clan Floating Rocks


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Put on the world boss vender an items to reset set a Collect that for a helper monkey of that player choice. This way more players can get that to help them with crafting.


Active member
Remove jewellery drops from OG bosses (move them to other npcs in OGs).
Add weapon augs/enhancements to boss loot tables.


Active member
I think the daily reset timer needs to match the instance reset timer too. It makes it hard to get completed as is and resets in the middle of runs. I think the reset timer of the other instances it would be a fair time for most time zones. ADDED


-Increase friends with benefits timer by 10-15 seconds(having more than 2 tabs open my travel request expires before i can tab over to the correct screen to accept the request)
Change the Special Treasure Map (treasure chest) Jewelry. Change them from left and right bracelets, to left and right earrings. This way they are useful.


New member
increase the payout of comms from running the base missions in restuss. 1 or 2 per comms per mission just isnt enough incentive to get people out there grinding them. in a perfect world it would lead to more people participating in content in a pvp zone and thus hopefully inspiring others to actually pvp once they see other folks in restuss. ADDED payout increased by x3


Active member
The debuff from taming a creature in COM (Scent Revealed) for the Legendary Tamer's Necklace collection (Mustafarian Creature Empathizer) currently doesn't tick down while logged off. You need to be logged in for that debuff to disappear so one can reattempt taming for the collection.

Please change it so that the debuff count down timer continues when one is logged off.


New member
After speaking with Miku, I become aware that there are more housing options available already in the code. Is there a way to turn these on for crafting or through quest. I would really like the Tatooine Guild Hall but there are several others that look good too. The current Tatooine guild hall is just horrible to decorate with all its curved walls and ceilings.



After speaking with Miku, I become aware that there are more housing options available already in the code. Is there a way to turn these on for crafting or through quest. I would really like the Tatooine Guild Hall but there are several others that look good too. The current Tatooine guild hall is just horrible to decorate with all its curved walls and ceilings.

View attachment 160
if possible it sounds like a great idea! and another I’ve been waiting to put up here on QoL
Can we please give the open areas/courtyards on top of guild halls able to drop items. It’s the biggest “room” in all of the guild hall and is perfect for putdpor deco.
And would be perfect for those items that are so tall they don’t fit inside.


Also pleassse give owners of target dummy’s the ability to /move the targets. As of right now the only way to get the target dummy even close to the right spot involves calling dummy, it’ll be in the wrong spot, so we store the dummy and have to repeat this process 10-20 times and they still don’t manage to fit where they need to be located.
Also this wouldn’t be as much of a proble but everytime there’s a server reset or anything done with the server the target dummies go back into the controller so i have to reset for the dummy 30min, to attempt to get it on the right place, every single time


Jetpack wearable as appearance
THIS! PLSSS i beg of y’all!
One the JP does not fit properly on a toon wearing it. It needs to be adjusted.

Also Its much more appealing, to everyone I’ve spoken too, to have a jetpack that can be worn at all times for appearance reasons and dropped in gowns for deco.
preferably add the jango JP so we could have a a new looking JP and the Original beat up looking jp

And we could REALLY use some more Mandalorian themed items in game. Other than Jedi mandos are by far the most popular species/ group in all Star Wars. If not more so than Jedi at this point with new shows.
it’s is an golden opportunity to inplement more mando items. Rugs, banner, collections like the stormtroopers and igs so we can have a mando statue. Or just make some sort of shrine to Mandalorians. Anything would be amazing!

Also my favorite use is that can come up with cone way of us being able to make a greeter of our choice(including our own toons.) so i could have a mando greeter and anyone else could have whatever they wanted.
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