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QoL Changes

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New member
Thanks to recent events, I found out that Structures and Munitions Traders don't have the schematic for Food and Chemical units. I think it would be a neat change if all traders could craft any crafting tool, it seems like a basic set of schematics that they should all have access to, even if they don't have much to make with them.


New member
Hi guys! It has come to my attention the CR-2 is not available for commandos on the heroic token vendor? This for many was the most accessible option for a cold elemental weapon. Will you be or plan to add this at some point? ADDED FD-1 heavy weapon.


2 beneficial proposals for traders.

- A search option on crafting tools to pull up schematics. Sometimes we get temporary crafting schematics that we have a hard time finding once it has been learned.

- Add stacks or charges to temporary schematics. This will allow you to learn the same schematic multiple times instead of getting "you already know this schematic". Use 5 schematics & have 5 uses/charges added. This will eliminate the clutter of having schematics all over your houses. ADDED


Changes for the Entertainer profession:
#1 Remove the need to be grouped with the entertainer in order to receive the book of knowledge buffs (XP, GCW, PET XP) ADDED
#2 Reduce the cooldown use of the knowledge books down to 5.0 seconds. ADDED
#3 Increase the duration of the knowledge books buff to the duration of the players' entertainer's buff duration lasts ( 7 hours if watching two entertainers with a full build-a-buff collection, dancing familiar, and 7 pc jewelry set). ADDED


New member
A few things:

Reverse Engineering:
I love how this server has gone above and Beyond to add additional jewelry sets to the game, I would really like to see a 5 piece set for Reverse Engineers that have RE Chance and Luck that will make grinding +35s a bit quicker and less of a mind numbing grind. ADDED

The description for this class made it sound like it's buffs would be more like Squad Leader buffs. Those lasted longer and applied to the whole group while the Vanguard buffs tend to be short and single target. I would propose to make these similar to Officer buffs where they affect the whole group.

Expertise Build Slots:
^That may be a bad description. However one of the things that is probably a good deal of work, but was asked for alot on live was the ability to have two expertise specs to switch back and forth between. This could be very useful for multiple things like switching back and forth between a PvE and PvP build or even switching between a melee and ranged build. Every class can benefit from this and it saves from having to constantly respec your expertise. ADDED holocron of retention. Player's can now save and load expertises.

This is another thing that was asked for over and over again on live in the Officer Forums, can we please move the stims to be a basic ability of the class to free up expertise points without giving up the stims or having to go visit a stimbot? ADDED


New member
Is it possible to adjust the area around the Musty bunker to allow for ITV's to more easily be called?


New member
Add the ability to donate turrets to PVP bases.

Add atmospheric flight. ADDED BoM (Atmospheric Battle).

Make certain speeders faster. ADDED new item: Acceleration Enhancement which increases the top speed of vehicles.

Allow all stupid paintings and motor crap to be sellable for at least 1 credit or make them stackable. This is BS clogging up my inventory when trying to farm.

Specific farm spots from live have been altered to not spawn as fast. WTF. I will give you waypoints if you will fix them, but will not make them public

Raise 8 man cap on dungeons and group size. ADDED 16 player group sizes for hardmode content.


New member
Hoth Ball QoL Changes

Add Terminal with defensive options like mines, turrets, and usable heals/snares to slow the opposing team/flag carrier.

Defensive Items cost tokens awarded inside Hoth Ball from scoring points, passing balls, and killing enemy players.

Mines could have 2 types (Cyro Mines for Slows/Snares, Explosive Mines do big damage).

Fixed locations on map to speed up setup at beginning (Options for placement)

Ex: "Cyro Mines (A/B/C Locations 0/12)"

Turrets have fixed locations on map; x2 Turrets 50m from end zone, and x1 Turret near midfield.

Turrets would need to be disabled prior to scoring due to a root ability put on the FC, if player enters range of turret.

Turret Repair could also be added to the list of options available on the terminal.

Usable heals could replace stims/tacts, and give buffs pertaining to Hothball (Movement Speed, Heal over time, Immediate Heal)

Low quantity stacks so players must pick up more to slow the rush of troops into the Battlefield.

Upon use replaces Tactical Buff slot.


New member
Mounted Combat. Along with a new character class with expertise based around mechanical mounts(speeders, etc) and biological mounts (armored banthas, etc). Could call new class: Dragoon. (In napoleon warfare, Dragoons were mounted cavalry that dismounted to engage the enemy, and remounted to escape counterattack)

Also add usable weapons to mounts. Like the recon speeders blaster cannons from RoJ

Split off Beast Master expertise to its own Class. Pets can still be used by any class, but to get the most out of them and if you're going deep into BM'try it should be it's own class. Likewise Droid Control. Should be reworked so that while everyone can use a Droid, only Droid controllers get the best out of them. Possibly consider adding the trader prof DE and Bioengineering to there respective controller class.

New ground planet: the junk hell-hole of Ord Mantell. We already have a space zone, so let's add a ground zone as well.


New member
Allow the bounty hunter ability 'Burn' to be used with a melee weapon. ADDED

Allow the bounty hunter ability 'Sniper Shot' to be used with any ranged weapon.

Include Carbine and Pistol action cost in 'Rifle Efficiency' and rename to Marksmanship Efficiency

Include Carbine and Pistol damage in 'Rifle Marksmanship' and rename to Marksmanship lethality

Rework 'Small Arms' line to a melee tree which adds damage, action and an ability which can be used with all melee weapon.
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