Hoth Ball QoL Changes
Add Terminal with defensive options like mines, turrets, and usable heals/snares to slow the opposing team/flag carrier.
Defensive Items cost tokens awarded inside Hoth Ball from scoring points, passing balls, and killing enemy players.
Mines could have 2 types (Cyro Mines for Slows/Snares, Explosive Mines do big damage).
Fixed locations on map to speed up setup at beginning (Options for placement)
Ex: "Cyro Mines (A/B/C Locations 0/12)"
Turrets have fixed locations on map; x2 Turrets 50m from end zone, and x1 Turret near midfield.
Turrets would need to be disabled prior to scoring due to a root ability put on the FC, if player enters range of turret.
Turret Repair could also be added to the list of options available on the terminal.
Usable heals could replace stims/tacts, and give buffs pertaining to Hothball (Movement Speed, Heal over time, Immediate Heal)
Low quantity stacks so players must pick up more to slow the rush of troops into the Battlefield.
Upon use replaces Tactical Buff slot.