smuggler junk dealers offer a quest for the smuggler who dropped it. the quest is a grind for 100 illegal pistol modules, which are earned through running smuggler missions. the heavy blaster dl-t pistol is the reward, but unfortunately it does not have the 3m increase and 2% heroic dmg increase. more favorable pistols like the dd-6 which do have the 3m increased range and 2% heroic cap, are even easier to get as the npcs which drop the pieces for that collection can just about all be obtained afk'ing low level common mobs. more common than not, people just arent aware of this collection and the pieces can be picked up on vendors for very cheap. another example is the dh-18a pistol offered from the factional vendor for gcw tokens. this pistol is the absolute easiest of the 3m increase 2% dmg pistols as it can be obtained within an no more than a single invasion sf and grinding for tokens.
but for all the work put into actually getting the heavy blaster dl-t schem, the reward dosent offer the perks that these more easier to obtain pistols do. i propose the dl-t pistol be bumped up to include these increases.