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SWG Beyond

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QoL Changes


Introduce a city perk vendor, that mayors can purchase specific perks for the city.

I recommend the following purchasable perks:

- City travel perk (until leaderboards are activated, then this should be taken away)
- City Bazaar terminals
- City Rank VI - A player city can now be travelled to as if it was a star port, bypassing the need to go through an npc city for example
- City guards (Imperial or Rebel) that will flag opposing faction members special forces if attacked, just remove any loot/credits from their drop table.
- Faction recruiters
- Upgraded medical center perk: buffs received in player city medical centers now grant 2 hour buffs
- Upgraded cantina perk: Players can now receive entertainer tokens from their own cantina, provided the cantina is public and the entertainer has /registered


New RE tool :

Standard RE tool with a 10.0 rating, but add a component (optional slot) that would allow 25 charges of the RE enhance module, that way RE'rs don't have to use an re mod every time they breakdown a stat loot. ADDED - Advanced Reverse Engineering Tool to Trader vendor.


New member
The vanguard guard ability is very frustrating to try to keep it on players in most situations especially during pvp would be nice if it could have increased range or even better make it so that when a player goes out of range it becomes ineffective and if they get back within range it starts to work again.


RLS System:
Outdated Boxes added to WB and Legendary Vendors
Rare: WB Vendor
Exceptional: WB Vendor
Legendary: Legendary Vendors

All heroic and above content has a very slim chance to drop rare or exceptional box of any series
Hard mode Content has a slim chance to drop any RLS box from any series


  • A map-able hotkey to toggle sound on and off.
  • Separate the saved configuration for each toon.
    • Example: toon00 has it's experience bar ON and sound ON.
    • Example: toon01 has it's experience bar OFF and sound ON.
    • Example: toon02 has it's experience bar OFF, sound OFF, and graphics LOW.
  • Bring back decay. ADDED - decay only applies to sliced items on player death, when the condition reaches zero, the slice is removed and the item returns back to its original stats.
  • Sell ALL junk button on junk dealers. Make it a Junk dealer quest?
  • Add Relic Box similar to the Box of Achievements.
  • Have tokens auto-magickly go into the Box of Achievements. This would include all similar "boxes".
  • Katarn Armor (Ithorian): I have an idea why you don't, but.. It would be awesome if you could show the feet when an Ithorian wears the Katarn Armor.
  • Maintain a updated version of no squint for 4k users.
Thank you for all your work!


Give all class points they can add to Beast Mastery only. This way more guys can have pets to pull and can give them better change to stay alive. Think like 3-5 just in Beast Mastery.

Smuggler add slicing to augment to get the lower one under 30 to cap to have a chance to get 25-30 and 225-250

also slice under cap cores for weapon and armor to cap it.

Add on the world boss vender a daily reset tool.

for DE crafter tokens vender add the bot for the medic Buff droid.

AS schematic for cap core stack of 11. More to help the new and starting AS since resource to each component add up.

WS tokens on the few new looking skins for each toes of weapons.

Chef food to make any class see cloaking spy like a normal player.


Break down your suggestions, please. Some make lists where they have 1 or 2 good ideas, and a bunch of terrible ones.
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Add slicing for mod bit to get them more to the cap of 30 and 250.
add in slicing for cores both weapons and armor to cap on bad rolls.

add to the world boss vender reset daily mission

add Bounty hunter revenge kill system

add to structure tokens vendors faster production factory.

Add for AS tokens a special mod can add to a psg


Adjust the Factory speed on the Trader Factory set at 7 piece slightly higher. the speed increase feels insignificant for the effort spent.


New member
Breaking down into multiple posts as suggested:

- Implement a race change feature, utilizing the same system as profession changes with a rising fee and monthly decay. In practice this should be a "private" or "underworld" transaction, so my suggestion is to only place the NPC in a city or cities that are not commonly utilized i.e. Mos Entha, Tyrena, Moenia, etc... This prevents having to delete a character (for those of us that have 7 capped toons) in the event you want to re-roll a different race. ADDED race changing item to Entertainer vendor.


New member
- Implement a name change feature, costs in the millions and the losing name is remained reserved for 30 days to prevent abuse. Another "underworld" transaction, use same concept as above. This prevents having to delete a character (for those of us that have 7 capped toons) in the event you just simply want to change names. ADDED character rename item to MuS vendor


New member
- Provide an automated in-game mail to new characters (much like how the pilot mails have always been done) with an overview and locations of all of Beyond's unique features as well as waypoints for ITV hubs. Overall this will give more ease of access to new players.


New member
- Double-clicking a location while having the starship terminal or ITV window sends you to that location without having to manually click travel. For the ticket terminal it purchases the ticket without having to manually click purchase. Also, if you only have one shuttle ticket in your inventory then it should be automatically selected upon clicking the ticket droid. ADDED


New member
-like dbl clicking
-Race Change is in an upcoming update in announcements and road map
-Names can be changed every 90 days for free
-The new player process takes you to the wiki where all that humongous amount of information is, the in-game mail system would not be able to handle that amount of information.
where/how do you do names changes at this time?